Saturday, April 3, 2010


Humans, all over the World are facing various problems – Diseases/ Disorders/ Behavioral Problems, which has resulted in overall restlessness and unsatisfactory life.

The problems are of different types like, Physical Diseases, Shortcomings in Performance & Functioning, Mental Problems and Disorders, Depression, Failures, Frustration, Suicidal Tendency, Anxiety, Various combinations of Complexes, Habits/ Addictions, Stress & Strain, Weight & Waistline Management etc. Also, Ineffective Business Management, Poor Profitability, Global Recession and Global Warming are the outcome of the improper way of Human’s Functioning and Behavior.

The human Problems can be placed in 7 Basic Categories/ Types such as, 1) Mental Level Problems, 2) Mentality/ Approach related Problems, 3) Physical level Problems, 4) Social Health Problems, 5) Matrimonial Problems, 6) Spiritual Problems & 7) Financial Problems.

The 3 Components of the life i.e. 1) Soul, 2) Mind and 3) Body, are always interdependent and interlinked together and function as a single entity. Whatever happens to the human being, all these 3 components are always involved. This concept should be considered while deciding upon the treatments/methods/ tools to be adopted.
Following should be considered, as it covers all the above components of life.

1) Meditation.
2) Life style.
3) Diet.
4) Exercise. (Surya Namaskara/ Sports/ Yoga, Pranayama etc.)
5) Prayer.

The above 5 tools should be considered as the basic daily Tasks/Duties to be performed, so as to maintain the Energy balance. If, these 5 things are done on the daily basis, then it will take care of all the Mental and Physical problems, ailments etc., and the person will have happy and satisfactory life. This is called the Holistic Approach.

Holistic Approach Treatment comprehensively covers all the 3 components of life, so as to get rid of any life related problems. Any shortcut or piecemeal type approach will never help in solving any problems.

More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’. Website:-

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact:- 1) Website :-
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961