Any human being can face any problems in his life span and it is very easy to address any problem at the individual level, so as to make his life smooth & easy.
There are more than 160 problems which can be successfully addressed. Some of them are as follows.
Sr. No. Problems --- Sr. No. Problems
1. Admonition. --- 31. Deprecate.
2. Adversity. --- 32. Depression.
3. Aggressive. --- 33. Despair.
4. Aloof. --- 34. Despise.
5. Ambivalence. --- 35. Destroy.
6. Anger. --- 36. Detachment.
7. Anxiety. --- 37. Detestation.
8. Apathy. --- 38. Disgusting.
9. Atheist. --- 39. Disorder.
10. Avoid. --- 40. Dissatisfaction.
11. Awfulization. --- 41. Disturbed.
12. Banish. --- 42. Doubt.
13. Bashful. --- 43. Embarrassment.
14. Bitterness. --- 44. Envious.
15. Callousness. --- 45. Failure.
16. Careless. --- 46. Fall.
17. Churlish. --- 47. False.
18. Comparison. --- 48. Fear.
19. Competition. --- 49. Fret.
20. Complain. --- 50. Frigidity.
21. Condemn. --- 51. Frustration.
22. Confusion. --- 52. Fume.
23. Contempt. --- 53. Gloomy.
24. Coward. --- 54. Greediness.
25. Craving. --- 55. Grief.
26. Criticize. --- 56. Grotesque.
27. Cruelty. --- 57. Grumpiness.
28. Deceit. --- 58. Guilty.
29. Deceitful. --- 59. Hard.
30. Dependentness. --- 60. Harsh.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Financial Health is another important aspect of the ‘Total health’, which has got a very profound effect on the human life. Financial Health includes money, property, jewellery, vehicles etc. Financial Health is generally related to the things that Money can buy. The Money, as a symbol of the Financial Health, automatically becomes the important Energy Element for the human beings.
However, it should be noted that, though the Money is an important Energy Element, it is not the Basic Universal Energy Element created by the Nature. Money is created by the humans only, as a product of so many thousands of years of the civilization. As such, it can be called as a ‘Social Energy’. Money functions as a medium of exchange which is socially and legally accepted, as the payment for goods, services etc. Money is also used to measure the relative worth of the various things, including the individual persons.
Proper understanding of the concept of Money (Financial Health) is required, because, money can buy goods, services, pay debts etc., but it cannot buy happiness, joy, contentedness, satisfaction, sleep, appetite, time, wisdom etc. In fact, if the concept of the Financial Health and its various aspects are not understood properly, then it can create sorrow and unsatisfaction in the life. So, the understanding and the approach towards the concept/aspects of the ‘Money’ are very important.
Aspects of the ‘Money’ are related with two parts/things:
1st Part is, type of the activity/action to be undertaken for the purpose of making the Money and,
2nd Part is, the actual amount of the Money made (earned).
The amount of the Money which is required by any individual in the day to day life depends upon the individual’s lifestyle, desires/wants, expectations, liking etc.
It is very difficult to decide how much money is required for the happy and satisfactory life. This is the single most important factor/reason to give rise to all the human miseries and sufferings.
This problem, of deciding the amount of Money required for the happy and satisfactory life, can be solved, only if, a simple approach of ‘need’ based attitude is considered. If it is a ‘need’ based requirement, then it becomes limited and specific requirement. However, such requirements should be defined/ ascertained very carefully, so as to avoid any ambiguity /confusion.
On the other hand, If it is a ‘want’ or ‘desire’ based requirement , then it becomes unlimited, unrealistic, non specific and never ending requirement, which gives rise to so many types of problems in one’s own life. Requirements which are based on competition and comparison with others, often create problems.
‘Need’ based money requirement should be carefully assessed/decided, and then one can think of doing any suitable activity, so as to get that much amount of the money. The Money making activity should be done as per individual liking, interest and suitability (as per the individual’s passion ) , and when the required amount of Money is made, based on such activities then, the individual person gets happiness, satisfaction and contentedness.
The Money making activity should not be based on any comparison, competition, out of insecurity or due to the bandwagon effect.
If an individual person becomes Money orientated and does any kind of activity (without liking, interest, passion etc.) then, even if he makes lot of money, he will not become happy, contented, and satisfied.
It is also desirable to develop one’s own “Financial Quotient” (F.Q), like other ‘Intelligence Quotients’.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
However, it should be noted that, though the Money is an important Energy Element, it is not the Basic Universal Energy Element created by the Nature. Money is created by the humans only, as a product of so many thousands of years of the civilization. As such, it can be called as a ‘Social Energy’. Money functions as a medium of exchange which is socially and legally accepted, as the payment for goods, services etc. Money is also used to measure the relative worth of the various things, including the individual persons.
Proper understanding of the concept of Money (Financial Health) is required, because, money can buy goods, services, pay debts etc., but it cannot buy happiness, joy, contentedness, satisfaction, sleep, appetite, time, wisdom etc. In fact, if the concept of the Financial Health and its various aspects are not understood properly, then it can create sorrow and unsatisfaction in the life. So, the understanding and the approach towards the concept/aspects of the ‘Money’ are very important.
Aspects of the ‘Money’ are related with two parts/things:
1st Part is, type of the activity/action to be undertaken for the purpose of making the Money and,
2nd Part is, the actual amount of the Money made (earned).
The amount of the Money which is required by any individual in the day to day life depends upon the individual’s lifestyle, desires/wants, expectations, liking etc.
It is very difficult to decide how much money is required for the happy and satisfactory life. This is the single most important factor/reason to give rise to all the human miseries and sufferings.
This problem, of deciding the amount of Money required for the happy and satisfactory life, can be solved, only if, a simple approach of ‘need’ based attitude is considered. If it is a ‘need’ based requirement, then it becomes limited and specific requirement. However, such requirements should be defined/ ascertained very carefully, so as to avoid any ambiguity /confusion.
On the other hand, If it is a ‘want’ or ‘desire’ based requirement , then it becomes unlimited, unrealistic, non specific and never ending requirement, which gives rise to so many types of problems in one’s own life. Requirements which are based on competition and comparison with others, often create problems.
‘Need’ based money requirement should be carefully assessed/decided, and then one can think of doing any suitable activity, so as to get that much amount of the money. The Money making activity should be done as per individual liking, interest and suitability (as per the individual’s passion ) , and when the required amount of Money is made, based on such activities then, the individual person gets happiness, satisfaction and contentedness.
The Money making activity should not be based on any comparison, competition, out of insecurity or due to the bandwagon effect.
If an individual person becomes Money orientated and does any kind of activity (without liking, interest, passion etc.) then, even if he makes lot of money, he will not become happy, contented, and satisfied.
It is also desirable to develop one’s own “Financial Quotient” (F.Q), like other ‘Intelligence Quotients’.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The ‘Matrimonial’ activity is a part of the Social system/ Social activity and it is a very very important activity of the human being.
For any individual, the Matrimonial Health is very important, because a large part of his personal life is governed by the Matrimonial Life.
The individuals get married because of the following reasons:
1)Physical relations/Reproduction/Sex related activities.
2)Mental (Thoughts/Concepts) sharing.
3)Emotional sharing.
4)Physical work/activities sharing. (running the house, cooking, raising children etc.)
5)Social Sharing.
6)Support/Sharing, related to the Money Making activities.
Marriage is an interpersonal relationship, with recognition from the governmental/ social/religious authorities, usually for the intimate sexual purpose. Reproduction/Sex is one of the basic instincts of all the human beings and hence, traditionally, to serve this purpose, marriage is the single most major activity contemplated/done by most of the human beings. If the marriage is successful, then the individuals get a kind of satisfaction/contentedness in their life and if, the marriage is not successful then, mostly the individuals suffer and end up in a frustration, restlessness and anti-social activities. It is difficult to give exact reasons of the successful or the unsuccessful marriages; but, the following can be broadly considered as the general guidelines.
* Making healthy adjustments towards the spouse and lifelong staying together is the main symptom of the happy and successful married life.
* Wrong expectations (mainly due to the wrong concepts) is the most important reason for the disturbed / unsuccessful married life.
* The basic valuable ingredients of the successful marriages are:
1) Love, and 2) Respect, towards each other. Both these things can be cultivated.
Symptoms of love and respect can be considered as follows :
1)Showing concern - being considerate, taking care, making adjustments etc.
2)Sharing - thoughts, ideas, views, emotions, feelings, materialistic things (money, property, jewellery, valuable belongings, vehicles etc.)
3)Less complaints, bitterness, hatred, etc.
4)Attitude of gratitude—for the trouble/pains taken, the slogging done and the help extended/care taken during the different phases of life. (i.e. not to neglect all such things just as a matter of daily routine/duty).
5)Forgiveness – To avoid punishment and revengeful action. To take ‘let it go’ attitude and to move ahead gracefully. (This is a very very great quality and needs a lot of efforts to develop it. However, one can not forgive others unless, he learns to forgive himself!!)
* It is a most common, most general concept that, the marriages are successful if,
1) Physical relations/sex related activities are good, and 2) financial condition is good. But this is not at all true. Many marriages are not successful even if the above two factors are present and many marriages are successful even without the above two factors.
If the basic ingredients (love and respect) are cultivated, then the marriages would be more successful.
* The major reason for not finding the love and respect towards each other is, the individuals as a couple, are not ‘spouse oriented’. If the individuals are self centered, then they can not develop love and respect towards each other. If they are spouse oriented then automatically care, concern, attentiveness, interest towards the spouse is developed, and then it turns into love and respect, which brings in the satisfaction in the married life.
* Single most reason for the individuals for not becoming the spouse oriented is ‘unhealthy ego’.
‘Ego’ can be best explained as the 'self description' or 'self assessment' or 'self concept.'
If the individuals are having healthy ego, then it will help them in becoming spouse oriented, which will turn into love and respect, resulting into happy and successful married life.
In short, if the individuals have healthy/realistic self description, self assessment, self concept, then they will have healthy ego, which will lead to the happy and successful married life; otherwise, marriage would be unhappy and unsuccessful.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
For any individual, the Matrimonial Health is very important, because a large part of his personal life is governed by the Matrimonial Life.
The individuals get married because of the following reasons:
1)Physical relations/Reproduction/Sex related activities.
2)Mental (Thoughts/Concepts) sharing.
3)Emotional sharing.
4)Physical work/activities sharing. (running the house, cooking, raising children etc.)
5)Social Sharing.
6)Support/Sharing, related to the Money Making activities.
Marriage is an interpersonal relationship, with recognition from the governmental/ social/religious authorities, usually for the intimate sexual purpose. Reproduction/Sex is one of the basic instincts of all the human beings and hence, traditionally, to serve this purpose, marriage is the single most major activity contemplated/done by most of the human beings. If the marriage is successful, then the individuals get a kind of satisfaction/contentedness in their life and if, the marriage is not successful then, mostly the individuals suffer and end up in a frustration, restlessness and anti-social activities. It is difficult to give exact reasons of the successful or the unsuccessful marriages; but, the following can be broadly considered as the general guidelines.
* Making healthy adjustments towards the spouse and lifelong staying together is the main symptom of the happy and successful married life.
* Wrong expectations (mainly due to the wrong concepts) is the most important reason for the disturbed / unsuccessful married life.
* The basic valuable ingredients of the successful marriages are:
1) Love, and 2) Respect, towards each other. Both these things can be cultivated.
Symptoms of love and respect can be considered as follows :
1)Showing concern - being considerate, taking care, making adjustments etc.
2)Sharing - thoughts, ideas, views, emotions, feelings, materialistic things (money, property, jewellery, valuable belongings, vehicles etc.)
3)Less complaints, bitterness, hatred, etc.
4)Attitude of gratitude—for the trouble/pains taken, the slogging done and the help extended/care taken during the different phases of life. (i.e. not to neglect all such things just as a matter of daily routine/duty).
5)Forgiveness – To avoid punishment and revengeful action. To take ‘let it go’ attitude and to move ahead gracefully. (This is a very very great quality and needs a lot of efforts to develop it. However, one can not forgive others unless, he learns to forgive himself!!)
* It is a most common, most general concept that, the marriages are successful if,
1) Physical relations/sex related activities are good, and 2) financial condition is good. But this is not at all true. Many marriages are not successful even if the above two factors are present and many marriages are successful even without the above two factors.
If the basic ingredients (love and respect) are cultivated, then the marriages would be more successful.
* The major reason for not finding the love and respect towards each other is, the individuals as a couple, are not ‘spouse oriented’. If the individuals are self centered, then they can not develop love and respect towards each other. If they are spouse oriented then automatically care, concern, attentiveness, interest towards the spouse is developed, and then it turns into love and respect, which brings in the satisfaction in the married life.
* Single most reason for the individuals for not becoming the spouse oriented is ‘unhealthy ego’.
‘Ego’ can be best explained as the 'self description' or 'self assessment' or 'self concept.'
If the individuals are having healthy ego, then it will help them in becoming spouse oriented, which will turn into love and respect, resulting into happy and successful married life.
In short, if the individuals have healthy/realistic self description, self assessment, self concept, then they will have healthy ego, which will lead to the happy and successful married life; otherwise, marriage would be unhappy and unsuccessful.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The Social Health is related to the social relations or the social life of the person. The Social Health highlights various types of Social Interactions regulated by the Social norms between two or more people. The Social relations and the interactions are the main things behind the concept of the Social system/Social structure/ Social reforms/Social activity etc. All human beings are part of a Social system/Social structure/Social reforms/Social activity etc.
‘Social’ represents the following:
3)Mutual dependence.
4)Belonging to others.
5)Following social systems/traditions/norms etc.
As such, Social Health of a person gives idea about his easy, smooth and long association with others, cooperation with others, mutual dependence on others, sense of belonging to others and following various social systems/traditions /norms.
The Social Health largely depends upon the Mental Health, the Emotional Health, the Mind Set and the Physical Health of a person and if, these things are good, then the Social Health also becomes good, otherwise it affects the Social Health.
The Social Health can be improved by addressing the Mental Health, the Emotional Health, the Mind Set and the Physical Health problems.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
‘Social’ represents the following:
3)Mutual dependence.
4)Belonging to others.
5)Following social systems/traditions/norms etc.
As such, Social Health of a person gives idea about his easy, smooth and long association with others, cooperation with others, mutual dependence on others, sense of belonging to others and following various social systems/traditions /norms.
The Social Health largely depends upon the Mental Health, the Emotional Health, the Mind Set and the Physical Health of a person and if, these things are good, then the Social Health also becomes good, otherwise it affects the Social Health.
The Social Health can be improved by addressing the Mental Health, the Emotional Health, the Mind Set and the Physical Health problems.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The Physical health concept is simple to understand. It can be simply described as the health of the physical organs and the body. Physical Health can be divided into two things i.e., 1) Physical Fitness and 2) Physical Functions.
The Physical Fitness means, General Fitness, which covers the state of health and well-being.
The Physical Functions means, proper functioning of the various organs, which helps in doing the various activities, smoothly and easily.
Both, the Physical Fitness and the Physical Functions, are the outcome of the proper life style, proper diet, regular exercise, discipline etc.
Symptoms of the good Physical Fitness and Functions are as follows:
1)Active, quick, supple movements.
2)Balanced movements.
3)Body weight and size (waist line) in proportion with the height.
4)Timely good appetite.
5)Proper Digestion/Metabolism.
6)Smooth functioning of all the sense organs, namely,
Eyes (proper seeing)
Ears (proper listening)
Skin (proper sensation)
Tongue (proper taste)
Nose (proper smell)
7)Smooth functioning of all the action organs, namely,
Speech (voice box)
Reproductive organs
Excretory organs
8)Easy and sound sleep.
9)Feeling fresh and enthusiastic after the sleep.
10)Not too much fatigued, tired feeling.
11)Light, fresh, energetic feeling throughout the day and happy disposition.
12)Overall smoothness and easiness at the individual, family, social and work related activities.
Balanced Thinking and Emotions are required to maintain the Physical Fitness and Functions, properly.
So, the good Mental (Thinking) and Emotional health is the basis of the good Physical health. As such, all the three i.e. Mental, Emotional and Physical health are required for the good overall activities, functioning and behavior.
The Physical health is related to the Universal Energy. If, the Energy is in the balanced form then the Physical health is good and the overall activities, functioning and behavior is satisfactory. If, the Energy is not in the balanced form then the Physical health is not good and as such, overall activities, functioning and behavior is not satisfactory.
All the forms of the Universal Energy imbalances can be addressed and the good Physical health can be achieved.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The Physical Fitness means, General Fitness, which covers the state of health and well-being.
The Physical Functions means, proper functioning of the various organs, which helps in doing the various activities, smoothly and easily.
Both, the Physical Fitness and the Physical Functions, are the outcome of the proper life style, proper diet, regular exercise, discipline etc.
Symptoms of the good Physical Fitness and Functions are as follows:
1)Active, quick, supple movements.
2)Balanced movements.
3)Body weight and size (waist line) in proportion with the height.
4)Timely good appetite.
5)Proper Digestion/Metabolism.
6)Smooth functioning of all the sense organs, namely,
Eyes (proper seeing)
Ears (proper listening)
Skin (proper sensation)
Tongue (proper taste)
Nose (proper smell)
7)Smooth functioning of all the action organs, namely,
Speech (voice box)
Reproductive organs
Excretory organs
8)Easy and sound sleep.
9)Feeling fresh and enthusiastic after the sleep.
10)Not too much fatigued, tired feeling.
11)Light, fresh, energetic feeling throughout the day and happy disposition.
12)Overall smoothness and easiness at the individual, family, social and work related activities.
Balanced Thinking and Emotions are required to maintain the Physical Fitness and Functions, properly.
So, the good Mental (Thinking) and Emotional health is the basis of the good Physical health. As such, all the three i.e. Mental, Emotional and Physical health are required for the good overall activities, functioning and behavior.
The Physical health is related to the Universal Energy. If, the Energy is in the balanced form then the Physical health is good and the overall activities, functioning and behavior is satisfactory. If, the Energy is not in the balanced form then the Physical health is not good and as such, overall activities, functioning and behavior is not satisfactory.
All the forms of the Universal Energy imbalances can be addressed and the good Physical health can be achieved.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The Mind set / Mentality governs a person’s attitude, approach, outlook towards different things in the day to day life. A person’s behavior, way of working, way of functioning, social patterns, social norms etc. are related to his Mind set / Mentality.
A Mind set or Mentality, generally refers to the various assumptions, beliefs, methods, systems, opinions, views, concepts, bias etc. held by a person individually, or in a family, or in a formal/informal group, which are established over a very very long period of time, and it makes that person/family/ group to continue to adopt/accept those assumptions, beliefs etc., resulting in a particular behavior pattern/ liking/selection/choice.
Mind set has its own effect on the decision making process and it is always reflected in the day to day behavior.
Very common and sometimes misleading examples of the Mind set/ Mentality are as follows:
1)A person would be happy, satisfied and contented if he gets,
a)Topmost position at the organization where he is working, or at the social level.
b)Lots of Fame, celebrity status, public felicitation etc.
c)Lots of Respect, honor, esteem, reverence etc.
d)Lots of Money, property, jewelry, expensive / rare vehicles etc.
e)Good Spouse.
But, this is not the reality. Most of the people are not happy and satisfied even if they get top position, fame, respect, money, spouse etc. They are still unhappy, unsatisfied and restless. Whereas it is observed that some people are happy, satisfied and contented even without position, respect, fame, money, spouse etc. This shows that happiness, satisfaction, contentedness is not in having those things but somewhere else.
2)It is a very common concept and belief that spirituality is something which has to be done at the very fag end of the life & Spirituality will take away all the pleasures and materialistic activities of the life.
3)Lot of families/couples believe that their life is incomplete, if they do not have any progeny, or, the life is made and fulfilled only if, they get a baby boy, and not, even if they get a baby girl.
4)Big boys do not cry in the open and do not show their emotions publicly.
5)Physical beauty is a sure way of getting married and then it results in a successful married life.
6)One must eat a lot of non-veg, spicy and chilly food, consume alcohol and do smoking, to prove ‘He-manship’.
7)One must eat non-veg to have killer instinct.
8)Women should not go out of the household and should not do any money making /money management activities.
9)Women are not good at investment decisions.
10)It is the male tendency to misbehave, misconduct, do corruption etc., and the women never misbehave, misconduct, do corruption etc.
11)Creativity is required only in scientific research, literary work etc. and not in the day to day work.
12)Only women can do the household activities and men can not do it.
13)One should earn money thru' hard work only and the rentier income is not good.
14)The Persons who are good at ‘Money Making’ are not good at ‘Academic Education’, and, the Persons who are good at ‘Academic Education’ are not good at ‘Money making’.
15)Pop-up a pill & get cured!!!
The above are some common examples of the Mind set/ Mentality. In most of the cases, these are considered as the traditional concepts, but are not proved as logically/ rationally correct.
Mindset / Mentality is related to the Universal Energy. If, the Energy is in the balanced form, then Mindset / Mentality is healthy, flexible, open to changes etc. and, if, the Energy is not in the balanced form, then, the Mindset / Mentality is unhealthy, rigid, not open to changes etc.
All the forms of the Universal Energy imbalances can be addressed and the Energy balance can be restored.
The balanced Universal Energy will make it possible to overcome the rigidity, to look beyond the considered opinion/ concepts of the Mind set/ Mentality and, then and then only, one may get desired solution for the happy, satisfied and contented life.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
A Mind set or Mentality, generally refers to the various assumptions, beliefs, methods, systems, opinions, views, concepts, bias etc. held by a person individually, or in a family, or in a formal/informal group, which are established over a very very long period of time, and it makes that person/family/ group to continue to adopt/accept those assumptions, beliefs etc., resulting in a particular behavior pattern/ liking/selection/choice.
Mind set has its own effect on the decision making process and it is always reflected in the day to day behavior.
Very common and sometimes misleading examples of the Mind set/ Mentality are as follows:
1)A person would be happy, satisfied and contented if he gets,
a)Topmost position at the organization where he is working, or at the social level.
b)Lots of Fame, celebrity status, public felicitation etc.
c)Lots of Respect, honor, esteem, reverence etc.
d)Lots of Money, property, jewelry, expensive / rare vehicles etc.
e)Good Spouse.
But, this is not the reality. Most of the people are not happy and satisfied even if they get top position, fame, respect, money, spouse etc. They are still unhappy, unsatisfied and restless. Whereas it is observed that some people are happy, satisfied and contented even without position, respect, fame, money, spouse etc. This shows that happiness, satisfaction, contentedness is not in having those things but somewhere else.
2)It is a very common concept and belief that spirituality is something which has to be done at the very fag end of the life & Spirituality will take away all the pleasures and materialistic activities of the life.
3)Lot of families/couples believe that their life is incomplete, if they do not have any progeny, or, the life is made and fulfilled only if, they get a baby boy, and not, even if they get a baby girl.
4)Big boys do not cry in the open and do not show their emotions publicly.
5)Physical beauty is a sure way of getting married and then it results in a successful married life.
6)One must eat a lot of non-veg, spicy and chilly food, consume alcohol and do smoking, to prove ‘He-manship’.
7)One must eat non-veg to have killer instinct.
8)Women should not go out of the household and should not do any money making /money management activities.
9)Women are not good at investment decisions.
10)It is the male tendency to misbehave, misconduct, do corruption etc., and the women never misbehave, misconduct, do corruption etc.
11)Creativity is required only in scientific research, literary work etc. and not in the day to day work.
12)Only women can do the household activities and men can not do it.
13)One should earn money thru' hard work only and the rentier income is not good.
14)The Persons who are good at ‘Money Making’ are not good at ‘Academic Education’, and, the Persons who are good at ‘Academic Education’ are not good at ‘Money making’.
15)Pop-up a pill & get cured!!!
The above are some common examples of the Mind set/ Mentality. In most of the cases, these are considered as the traditional concepts, but are not proved as logically/ rationally correct.
Mindset / Mentality is related to the Universal Energy. If, the Energy is in the balanced form, then Mindset / Mentality is healthy, flexible, open to changes etc. and, if, the Energy is not in the balanced form, then, the Mindset / Mentality is unhealthy, rigid, not open to changes etc.
All the forms of the Universal Energy imbalances can be addressed and the Energy balance can be restored.
The balanced Universal Energy will make it possible to overcome the rigidity, to look beyond the considered opinion/ concepts of the Mind set/ Mentality and, then and then only, one may get desired solution for the happy, satisfied and contented life.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The human body consists of A) 12 Main Organs, B) 10 Body Systems, c) 5 Sense Organs and, D) 5 Action Organs.
A) Following are the 12 Main Organs:
1. Brain.
2. Lungs.
3. Heart.
4. Stomach.
5. Small Intestine.
6. Large Intestine.
7. Lever.
8. Gall Bladder.
9. Pancreas.
10. Spleen.
11. Kidney.
12. Urinary Bladder.
These 12 main organs control the 10 Body Systems, 5 Sense organs and 5 Action organs.
B) The10 Body Systems are as follows:
1. Nervous System.
2. Blood Circulatory System.
3. Respiratory System.
4. Digestive System.
5. Excretory System.
6. Muscular System.
7. Bone System.
8. Reproductive System.
9. Endocrine System.
10. Lymphatic System.
C) The 5 Sense organs are as follows:
1. Eyes.
2. Ears.
3. Skin.
4. Tongue.
5. Nose.
D) The 5 Action organs are as follows:
1. Hands.
2. Legs.
3. Speech (Voice).
4. Reproductive Organs.
5. Excretory Organs.
The 12 main organs are the Energy centers in the body. These 12 main organs are related to the Basic Universal Energy Elements. These elements are present in each and every individual, as per the individual constitution. When anything goes wrong in the Basic Universal Energy Element related to any individual human being, then any/all of the 12 main organs get affected. In turn, it affects any of the 10 body systems. When the body systems are affected, then it affects the working of the 5 sense organs and 5 action organs and thus the overall functioning and performance of that human being gets affected.
The main 12 organs, which are the Energy centers, can be seen physically in the body.
However, as per the ancient Indian yogic science, the functioning of these 12 organs depends upon the 7 ‘Energy Chakras’ in the body.
The 7 ‘Energy Chakras’ are as follows:
1. ‘Mooladhara’ Chakra.
2. ‘Swadhishthana’ Chakra.
3. ‘Manipura’ Chakra.
4. ‘Anahata’ Chakra.
5. ‘Vishuddhi’ Chakra.
6. ‘Ajna’ Chakra.
7. ‘Sahasrara’ Chakra.
These above 7 Chakras cannot be physically seen in the body. However, they are considered as the main Energy Centers, related to the Basic Universal Energy Elements.
When these Chakras are having the Energy in the balanced form, then the individual functioning/ performance is smooth and proper, and, when there is any Energy imbalance in any of the Chakras, then, the individual functioning/ performance is not smooth and proper(becomes problematic).
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
A) Following are the 12 Main Organs:
1. Brain.
2. Lungs.
3. Heart.
4. Stomach.
5. Small Intestine.
6. Large Intestine.
7. Lever.
8. Gall Bladder.
9. Pancreas.
10. Spleen.
11. Kidney.
12. Urinary Bladder.
These 12 main organs control the 10 Body Systems, 5 Sense organs and 5 Action organs.
B) The10 Body Systems are as follows:
1. Nervous System.
2. Blood Circulatory System.
3. Respiratory System.
4. Digestive System.
5. Excretory System.
6. Muscular System.
7. Bone System.
8. Reproductive System.
9. Endocrine System.
10. Lymphatic System.
C) The 5 Sense organs are as follows:
1. Eyes.
2. Ears.
3. Skin.
4. Tongue.
5. Nose.
D) The 5 Action organs are as follows:
1. Hands.
2. Legs.
3. Speech (Voice).
4. Reproductive Organs.
5. Excretory Organs.
The 12 main organs are the Energy centers in the body. These 12 main organs are related to the Basic Universal Energy Elements. These elements are present in each and every individual, as per the individual constitution. When anything goes wrong in the Basic Universal Energy Element related to any individual human being, then any/all of the 12 main organs get affected. In turn, it affects any of the 10 body systems. When the body systems are affected, then it affects the working of the 5 sense organs and 5 action organs and thus the overall functioning and performance of that human being gets affected.
The main 12 organs, which are the Energy centers, can be seen physically in the body.
However, as per the ancient Indian yogic science, the functioning of these 12 organs depends upon the 7 ‘Energy Chakras’ in the body.
The 7 ‘Energy Chakras’ are as follows:
1. ‘Mooladhara’ Chakra.
2. ‘Swadhishthana’ Chakra.
3. ‘Manipura’ Chakra.
4. ‘Anahata’ Chakra.
5. ‘Vishuddhi’ Chakra.
6. ‘Ajna’ Chakra.
7. ‘Sahasrara’ Chakra.
These above 7 Chakras cannot be physically seen in the body. However, they are considered as the main Energy Centers, related to the Basic Universal Energy Elements.
When these Chakras are having the Energy in the balanced form, then the individual functioning/ performance is smooth and proper, and, when there is any Energy imbalance in any of the Chakras, then, the individual functioning/ performance is not smooth and proper(becomes problematic).
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Human beings have only four things (tools) which they can use/apply in solving / addressing any problem. A problem can be anything, related to any object / subject / concept/ situation / behavior etc.
The said four things (tools) are as follows:
1. Acceptance.
2. Understanding.
3. Efforts.
4. Discipline.
1. Acceptance :
‘Acceptance’ is the main thing at the Mental Level, without which one cannot proceed further.
One has to accept that, all human beings are made up of blood & flesh and everybody is likely to have any type of problem, at any stage in their life span, depending upon the situation and the individual constitution.
There will be some problems at A) Thinking Level, B) Emotional Level and C) Physical Level.
A) At Thinking Level, if there is no problem then, the Thinking, Imagination, Visualization, Contemplation etc. is in a balanced state, and as such, that person’s behavior is balanced/healthy/ideal. However, this may not be a lifelong situation, and there are going to be some problems at the Thinking level. Problems at the Thinking level means, imbalance in Thinking, Imagination, Visualization, Contemplation etc.
Imbalance affects the quality as well as the quantity. This means, there will be some problems at the Thinking level, in terms of the quality as well as the quantity. Due to this, that person’s behavior cannot be balanced / healthy / ideal, and it will affect his day to day functioning, performance, approach etc.
B) At Emotional Level, if there is no problem, then, all the Emotions are in a balanced state, and as such that person is going to be satisfied, contented, and happy. However, again, this may not be a lifelong situation, and, there are going to be some problems at the Emotional Level. Problems at Emotional level means, qualitative & quantitative imbalances in various Emotions like, Anger, Fear, Love, Hate, Greed, Empathy etc. and as such, due to this, his life is not going to be, satisfactory, contented and happy.
C) At Physical Level, if there is no problem, then, that person’s Health will be very good and there will not be any problem in that person’s day to day behavior, functioning, performance etc. However, again, this is not going to be lifelong situation, and, there are going to be some problems at physical level.
Problems at Physical level means, qualitative & quantitative imbalance in functioning/performance of 12 Main organs, 10 Body systems, 5 Sense organs and 5 Action organs. As such, due to this, that person’s behavior, functioning, performance etc. is going to be affected.
The problems at Thinking, Emotional and Physical level, affect the behavior, at the individual, family, social and work place level. The affected behavior can be observed at various situations, like, communication, discharging the duties, performance, functioning etc.
One has to accept that anything could go wrong, in one’s own lifespan, and if accepted, there is a possibility of solving / addressing it and setting it right.
2.Understanding :
‘Understanding’ is a mental level as well as a physical level activity. It needs very careful attention and focus.
Understanding is a very very important aspect of the personality. If, the understanding level is good, then, the life becomes smooth and easy. If, the understanding level is not up to the mark, then, the life becomes difficult and uneasy. Understanding level can be developed to a good extent.
There are 6 main steps which are related to the Understanding process.
3. Efforts :
‘Efforts’ is something, which has to be taken at the mental as well as at the physical level.
One has to take the efforts at the mental level in ‘Accepting’ that problem.
Also, one has to take the efforts at the mental and physical level to ‘Understand’ that problem.
Also, one has to take the efforts at the mental and physical level to ‘Understand’ that problem.
Once, the problem is ‘Accepted’ and clearly ‘Understood’ then, one has to make a plan, and take efforts as per the plan to solve that problem. Such planned efforts, are at the physical level.
There are about 17 different categories of the ‘Efforts’, which can be considered as good methods/ tools to be used/applied, at physical level, so as to solve any problem.
4. Discipline :
‘Discipline’ includes maintaining daily routine of the above mentioned three basic principles i.e. Acceptance, Understanding and Efforts, on continuous basis, till desired/satisfactory results are achieved, and life becomes simple and easy.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The said four things (tools) are as follows:
1. Acceptance.
2. Understanding.
3. Efforts.
4. Discipline.
1. Acceptance :
‘Acceptance’ is the main thing at the Mental Level, without which one cannot proceed further.
One has to accept that, all human beings are made up of blood & flesh and everybody is likely to have any type of problem, at any stage in their life span, depending upon the situation and the individual constitution.
There will be some problems at A) Thinking Level, B) Emotional Level and C) Physical Level.
A) At Thinking Level, if there is no problem then, the Thinking, Imagination, Visualization, Contemplation etc. is in a balanced state, and as such, that person’s behavior is balanced/healthy/ideal. However, this may not be a lifelong situation, and there are going to be some problems at the Thinking level. Problems at the Thinking level means, imbalance in Thinking, Imagination, Visualization, Contemplation etc.
Imbalance affects the quality as well as the quantity. This means, there will be some problems at the Thinking level, in terms of the quality as well as the quantity. Due to this, that person’s behavior cannot be balanced / healthy / ideal, and it will affect his day to day functioning, performance, approach etc.
B) At Emotional Level, if there is no problem, then, all the Emotions are in a balanced state, and as such that person is going to be satisfied, contented, and happy. However, again, this may not be a lifelong situation, and, there are going to be some problems at the Emotional Level. Problems at Emotional level means, qualitative & quantitative imbalances in various Emotions like, Anger, Fear, Love, Hate, Greed, Empathy etc. and as such, due to this, his life is not going to be, satisfactory, contented and happy.
C) At Physical Level, if there is no problem, then, that person’s Health will be very good and there will not be any problem in that person’s day to day behavior, functioning, performance etc. However, again, this is not going to be lifelong situation, and, there are going to be some problems at physical level.
Problems at Physical level means, qualitative & quantitative imbalance in functioning/performance of 12 Main organs, 10 Body systems, 5 Sense organs and 5 Action organs. As such, due to this, that person’s behavior, functioning, performance etc. is going to be affected.
The problems at Thinking, Emotional and Physical level, affect the behavior, at the individual, family, social and work place level. The affected behavior can be observed at various situations, like, communication, discharging the duties, performance, functioning etc.
One has to accept that anything could go wrong, in one’s own lifespan, and if accepted, there is a possibility of solving / addressing it and setting it right.
2.Understanding :
‘Understanding’ is a mental level as well as a physical level activity. It needs very careful attention and focus.
Understanding is a very very important aspect of the personality. If, the understanding level is good, then, the life becomes smooth and easy. If, the understanding level is not up to the mark, then, the life becomes difficult and uneasy. Understanding level can be developed to a good extent.
There are 6 main steps which are related to the Understanding process.
3. Efforts :
‘Efforts’ is something, which has to be taken at the mental as well as at the physical level.
One has to take the efforts at the mental level in ‘Accepting’ that problem.
Also, one has to take the efforts at the mental and physical level to ‘Understand’ that problem.
Also, one has to take the efforts at the mental and physical level to ‘Understand’ that problem.
Once, the problem is ‘Accepted’ and clearly ‘Understood’ then, one has to make a plan, and take efforts as per the plan to solve that problem. Such planned efforts, are at the physical level.
There are about 17 different categories of the ‘Efforts’, which can be considered as good methods/ tools to be used/applied, at physical level, so as to solve any problem.
4. Discipline :
‘Discipline’ includes maintaining daily routine of the above mentioned three basic principles i.e. Acceptance, Understanding and Efforts, on continuous basis, till desired/satisfactory results are achieved, and life becomes simple and easy.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Autosuggestion is a technique, which can be effectively used for self development and self training.
If we go on giving certain suggestion to our own self, it helps in imbibing and training our own mind, which effectively improves the individual behavior.
Everybody can select and decide about the set of auto suggestions, depending upon the situation and the requirements. Repeated suggestions to the self on daily basis, help in improving the individual behavior.
Following can be considered as the different types of useful auto suggestions, and an individual can consider any/all of these for daily exercise.
1)Each and every thing in this Universe is made up of the Basic Universal Energy Elements.
2)All human beings have the same Basic Universal Energy Elements, irrespective of the Religion, Cast, Creed, Age, Gender, Color of the skin and the Nationality.
3)Every thing is a part of the life and nothing is larger than the life.
4)When the Energy is in the balanced form, it makes life simple and easy.
5)When the Energy is in the imbalanced form, it makes life difficult and uneasy (Problematic).
6)All types of the Energy imbalances can be set right, by proper understanding and efforts.
7)All mistakes, shortcomings, disorders are due to the Energy imbalance.
8)All human beings are likely to make any mistakes, have any shortcomings, disorders at any stage in their life, due to the Energy imbalance.
9)Everybody can set right/overcome their mistakes, shortcomings, disorders by proper understanding and efforts.
10)To resolve any relationships, behavior related problems it is essential to consider ‘The other’ as a separate / independent ‘entity’ and not to view / see thru’ the particular relationship. (Any ‘entity’ can have any problem in their life, irrespective of the relationships)
11)Every Energy imbalance (problem) is directly proportional to the Energy potential. (More the Energy potential means, possibility of more imbalance/problems). All/any Energy imbalance (problems) can be set right.
12)Everything in this Universe is made up of the Energy and connected to each other through the Energy (thinking, emotions, and air), and hence, lot of similarities and the good/bad effects are observed across the World.
13)The Energy imbalance, which may take place anywhere in the World, affects the individual in some way or the other. However the effect depends upon the individual constitution.
14)All human discoveries/inventions are basically, rediscoveries/ reinventions of the Basic Universal Energy Elements, in a new form and combination.
15)Whatever happens is good, provided one learns from it and takes corrective actions, if required.
16)It is better to thank the given situation (and not to blame it), for giving an opportunity to learn/realize, and if possible, share the same with others, for the benefit of the society.
17)Every situation/event can be turned into an opportunity for enrichment.
18)The Past is in the form of memory and the Future is in the form of imagination. When both are in the balanced form, then the Present is also in the balanced form. When The Present is in the balanced form, it means the memory and imagination is also in the balanced form.
19)For any individual, everything ‘happens’ in the Mind first, and then to some extent, it ‘reflects’ in the outside World.
20)Forgiving is the best quality and the best remedy to address behavioral problems, but one cannot forgive others, unless, he learns to forgive himself.
21)‘Destiny’ means, not the given situation, but what is made/created, out of the given situation.
22)It is better to ‘dissolve’ the problem, rather than spending the Energy in ‘solving’ it, and use the saved up Energy for better constructive purpose.
23)Problems like Wrath, Tantrums, Abusing etc. are all related to the disturbed state of the Mind. More disturbance means more problems, and less disturbance means less problems.
24)Family members, who interact with each other, share their feelings/emotions, dine together and pray together, normally stay together.
25)Life is not permanent, but whatever happens in the given life span is realistic, and has got the long lasting effects, hence it is better to be careful and moderate.
26)There are no human predicaments, except the lack of information and knowledge.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
If we go on giving certain suggestion to our own self, it helps in imbibing and training our own mind, which effectively improves the individual behavior.
Everybody can select and decide about the set of auto suggestions, depending upon the situation and the requirements. Repeated suggestions to the self on daily basis, help in improving the individual behavior.
Following can be considered as the different types of useful auto suggestions, and an individual can consider any/all of these for daily exercise.
1)Each and every thing in this Universe is made up of the Basic Universal Energy Elements.
2)All human beings have the same Basic Universal Energy Elements, irrespective of the Religion, Cast, Creed, Age, Gender, Color of the skin and the Nationality.
3)Every thing is a part of the life and nothing is larger than the life.
4)When the Energy is in the balanced form, it makes life simple and easy.
5)When the Energy is in the imbalanced form, it makes life difficult and uneasy (Problematic).
6)All types of the Energy imbalances can be set right, by proper understanding and efforts.
7)All mistakes, shortcomings, disorders are due to the Energy imbalance.
8)All human beings are likely to make any mistakes, have any shortcomings, disorders at any stage in their life, due to the Energy imbalance.
9)Everybody can set right/overcome their mistakes, shortcomings, disorders by proper understanding and efforts.
10)To resolve any relationships, behavior related problems it is essential to consider ‘The other’ as a separate / independent ‘entity’ and not to view / see thru’ the particular relationship. (Any ‘entity’ can have any problem in their life, irrespective of the relationships)
11)Every Energy imbalance (problem) is directly proportional to the Energy potential. (More the Energy potential means, possibility of more imbalance/problems). All/any Energy imbalance (problems) can be set right.
12)Everything in this Universe is made up of the Energy and connected to each other through the Energy (thinking, emotions, and air), and hence, lot of similarities and the good/bad effects are observed across the World.
13)The Energy imbalance, which may take place anywhere in the World, affects the individual in some way or the other. However the effect depends upon the individual constitution.
14)All human discoveries/inventions are basically, rediscoveries/ reinventions of the Basic Universal Energy Elements, in a new form and combination.
15)Whatever happens is good, provided one learns from it and takes corrective actions, if required.
16)It is better to thank the given situation (and not to blame it), for giving an opportunity to learn/realize, and if possible, share the same with others, for the benefit of the society.
17)Every situation/event can be turned into an opportunity for enrichment.
18)The Past is in the form of memory and the Future is in the form of imagination. When both are in the balanced form, then the Present is also in the balanced form. When The Present is in the balanced form, it means the memory and imagination is also in the balanced form.
19)For any individual, everything ‘happens’ in the Mind first, and then to some extent, it ‘reflects’ in the outside World.
20)Forgiving is the best quality and the best remedy to address behavioral problems, but one cannot forgive others, unless, he learns to forgive himself.
21)‘Destiny’ means, not the given situation, but what is made/created, out of the given situation.
22)It is better to ‘dissolve’ the problem, rather than spending the Energy in ‘solving’ it, and use the saved up Energy for better constructive purpose.
23)Problems like Wrath, Tantrums, Abusing etc. are all related to the disturbed state of the Mind. More disturbance means more problems, and less disturbance means less problems.
24)Family members, who interact with each other, share their feelings/emotions, dine together and pray together, normally stay together.
25)Life is not permanent, but whatever happens in the given life span is realistic, and has got the long lasting effects, hence it is better to be careful and moderate.
26)There are no human predicaments, except the lack of information and knowledge.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Confession, Surrender, Prayer etc., are the similar types of tools to achieve stability and peace of the Mind. These things help in dissolving the problem, and avoids the botheration of solving it.
All these activities involve 2 parties i.e. self and a known/unknown higher power like, God, Deity, Religious leader, Spiritual leader, Guru etc.
‘Confession’ means sharing of thinking or emotions or any act/behavior, with the higher power. It helps in relieving the tension, arising out of any improper thought or emotion or behavior.
‘Surrender’ means accepting the higher power’s will and accepting various events/happenings as the act of the higher power. It does not mean that, nothing is to be done by the individual and the higher power will take care of everything. It means, the individual human being has his own limitations and the real ‘doer’ of the entire events/happenings is the higher power. This makes the individual person, a less egoistic and more humble.
‘Prayer’ is a request made to the higher power, for the fulfillment of the wishes related to the health, the general wellbeing and the materialistic prosperity.
It shows the faith in the known/unknown higher power, that it will ‘listen’ the prayer and respond, so as to fulfill that wish.
Some wishes are fulfilled and some may not be fulfilled, and reasons may not be known to the praying individual, but still one prays because it has got its own power.
Prayer gives confidence, relief, and courage to face any situation which ultimately results in the peace of the Mind.
One can choose his own text, form and style of Confessing/Surrendering/ Praying, as per his liking, suitability and convenience. These things work as a sort of support system, and help in giving the required confidence, relief and courage to face any situation, resulting in the feeling of healing, wellbeing, stability and the peace of Mind.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
All these activities involve 2 parties i.e. self and a known/unknown higher power like, God, Deity, Religious leader, Spiritual leader, Guru etc.
‘Confession’ means sharing of thinking or emotions or any act/behavior, with the higher power. It helps in relieving the tension, arising out of any improper thought or emotion or behavior.
‘Surrender’ means accepting the higher power’s will and accepting various events/happenings as the act of the higher power. It does not mean that, nothing is to be done by the individual and the higher power will take care of everything. It means, the individual human being has his own limitations and the real ‘doer’ of the entire events/happenings is the higher power. This makes the individual person, a less egoistic and more humble.
‘Prayer’ is a request made to the higher power, for the fulfillment of the wishes related to the health, the general wellbeing and the materialistic prosperity.
It shows the faith in the known/unknown higher power, that it will ‘listen’ the prayer and respond, so as to fulfill that wish.
Some wishes are fulfilled and some may not be fulfilled, and reasons may not be known to the praying individual, but still one prays because it has got its own power.
Prayer gives confidence, relief, and courage to face any situation which ultimately results in the peace of the Mind.
One can choose his own text, form and style of Confessing/Surrendering/ Praying, as per his liking, suitability and convenience. These things work as a sort of support system, and help in giving the required confidence, relief and courage to face any situation, resulting in the feeling of healing, wellbeing, stability and the peace of Mind.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Global Warming means increase in the average temperature of the air / atmosphere near the Earth’s surface. There has been alarming increase (close to 1 degree Celsius) in the Earth’s near surface temperature in the last few decades, creating a major threat to the very existence of all the human beings.
Global Warming is mainly because of the result of human activities such as industrialization, fossil fuel burning and deforestation.
It is strongly indicated that the Global surface temperature will probably rise further during the coming years and will cause much more serious damage.
As a result of fossil fuel burning and different types of Industrial activities, the entire atmosphere gets polluted due to various hazardous gases and chemicals –mainly, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide etc. etc.
The forests (trees/plants etc.) convert the harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the useful oxygen, but due to the deforestation, this conversion has got seriously affected and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased considerably.
The carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, water vapor etc. etc. have a property to absorb the heat (radiated from the Sun). Due to this property and their increased volume in the atmosphere, the total amount of heat in the atmosphere increases, resulting in the increase of the air/atmosphere near the Earth’s surface, which ultimately results in the Global Warming.
Due to Global Warming, the melting of sea ice, glaciers and the permafrost takes place and the sea water level increases. The increased sea water and the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, produce more carbonic acid, resulting in ocean acidification. This disturbs the marine ecosystem which is almost 75% of the total system, and thus deeply impacts all the human societies, since the entire ecosystem is related and dependent on each other.
The Global Warming will have very adverse effects resulting in various situations such as increase in the intensity of extreme weather events, changes in the rainfall pattern, storms, floods, forest fires, changes in the agriculture yields, health related issues, epidemics and species extinctions.
The Global Warming is mainly due to the collective and cumulative activities over the past few decades, by human beings, all over the World.
Unless collective efforts are taken by everybody the world over, this problem will not be solved and this serious threat to the mankind will not be effectively tackled.
Only the knowledge and understanding about the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’ and its characteristics will be helpful in solving this problem.
Lifestyle and diet pattern is the main thing which everybody can easily follow to tackle this problem.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Global Warming is mainly because of the result of human activities such as industrialization, fossil fuel burning and deforestation.
It is strongly indicated that the Global surface temperature will probably rise further during the coming years and will cause much more serious damage.
As a result of fossil fuel burning and different types of Industrial activities, the entire atmosphere gets polluted due to various hazardous gases and chemicals –mainly, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide etc. etc.
The forests (trees/plants etc.) convert the harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the useful oxygen, but due to the deforestation, this conversion has got seriously affected and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased considerably.
The carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, water vapor etc. etc. have a property to absorb the heat (radiated from the Sun). Due to this property and their increased volume in the atmosphere, the total amount of heat in the atmosphere increases, resulting in the increase of the air/atmosphere near the Earth’s surface, which ultimately results in the Global Warming.
Due to Global Warming, the melting of sea ice, glaciers and the permafrost takes place and the sea water level increases. The increased sea water and the increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, produce more carbonic acid, resulting in ocean acidification. This disturbs the marine ecosystem which is almost 75% of the total system, and thus deeply impacts all the human societies, since the entire ecosystem is related and dependent on each other.
The Global Warming will have very adverse effects resulting in various situations such as increase in the intensity of extreme weather events, changes in the rainfall pattern, storms, floods, forest fires, changes in the agriculture yields, health related issues, epidemics and species extinctions.
The Global Warming is mainly due to the collective and cumulative activities over the past few decades, by human beings, all over the World.
Unless collective efforts are taken by everybody the world over, this problem will not be solved and this serious threat to the mankind will not be effectively tackled.
Only the knowledge and understanding about the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’ and its characteristics will be helpful in solving this problem.
Lifestyle and diet pattern is the main thing which everybody can easily follow to tackle this problem.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Recession/Global Financial Meltdown is not a natural phenomenon. It is basically a man made problem, and it can be addressed collectively, at individual and institutional level.
This problem can be handled very well based on the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’ and its characteristics.
Individual’s mental health, mentality, social health, financial health concepts have to be sound, clear and transparent. One has to be clear whether the money making activity is based on ‘need’ or ‘greed’. If it is ‘need’ based then it is easy to monitor and control, but if it is ‘greed’ based then it is not easy to monitor and control.
Moderation (based on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis) is the key for all sound, steady and long term successful activities. Any kind of ‘excesses’ (Imbalance) should be avoided.
There are 5 types of imbalances which are termed as basic human predicaments.
One has to see that these 5 basic predicaments are carefully avoided.
Various activities such as Borrowings, Loans, Credit ratings, Money deployment, Investments, Raw material purchases, Inventory, Manpower deployment, Working hours (even during day time and more particularly during night shifts), Production / Manufacturing method/set up, Actual production and stocks, Sales of finished goods/products, Buying/ purchasing of finished goods/products, Salary/Perks/Emoluments etc.etc should be genuinely done as per the ‘need’ based considerations, and not because of the ‘greed’ based requirements.
If at individual as well as at family/institute level, such principles are followed at various occasions/stages, then with the collective efforts, the problem of Recession/Global Financial Meltdown can be successfully addressed (based on cumulative effect).
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
This problem can be handled very well based on the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’ and its characteristics.
Individual’s mental health, mentality, social health, financial health concepts have to be sound, clear and transparent. One has to be clear whether the money making activity is based on ‘need’ or ‘greed’. If it is ‘need’ based then it is easy to monitor and control, but if it is ‘greed’ based then it is not easy to monitor and control.
Moderation (based on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis) is the key for all sound, steady and long term successful activities. Any kind of ‘excesses’ (Imbalance) should be avoided.
There are 5 types of imbalances which are termed as basic human predicaments.
One has to see that these 5 basic predicaments are carefully avoided.
Various activities such as Borrowings, Loans, Credit ratings, Money deployment, Investments, Raw material purchases, Inventory, Manpower deployment, Working hours (even during day time and more particularly during night shifts), Production / Manufacturing method/set up, Actual production and stocks, Sales of finished goods/products, Buying/ purchasing of finished goods/products, Salary/Perks/Emoluments etc.etc should be genuinely done as per the ‘need’ based considerations, and not because of the ‘greed’ based requirements.
If at individual as well as at family/institute level, such principles are followed at various occasions/stages, then with the collective efforts, the problem of Recession/Global Financial Meltdown can be successfully addressed (based on cumulative effect).
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Our Universe is made up of 10 ‘BASIC UNIVERSAL ENERGY ELEMENTS’ (MAHABHOOTAS). The Basic Energy Element (Mahabhoot) means, the Basic Source of the Bio Energy (Bhoot).
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10. 10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
When the Energy is in the balanced condition then every thing is harmonious, smooth and easy; and when the Energy is not in the balanced condition then the problem starts.
There are 5 types of the Energy imbalances, which are considered as the Universal predicaments.
These 5 Energy imbalances are the basic types of problems any object may face in their given life span, including all the human beings, anywhere in the World.
The same Energy Concept is applicable to any Organization / Industry / Institute etc.
An Organization is nothing but a group of people working together for some specific purpose. The Organization could be of any type. It may be an Engineering goods manufacturing unit, a Production factory, a Service industry, an Information Technology company, a Commercial/finance related unit, a Hospital, a Consultant firm, a Political party, a Sports organization, a Profession related association, or an NGO etc. etc.
All types of Organizations irrespective of its category, size, activities etc. are governed by the Universal Energy Concept. If the Energy level of the people related to that organization is in the balanced condition then that organization will run smoothly and if there is any Energy imbalance then that organization will have problems. The no. of types of main problems faced by any organization will be 5, which is based on the Basic Energy Concept. The types of problems faced by any organization are similar to the problems faced by any human beings.
Carefulness and Moderation (based on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis) is the ‘key’ for addressing any organizational problems.
If the organization behavior is analyzed properly based on the Energy Imbalance concept, then it will be easy to solve any problem of that organization. All activities of the organization such as product design, manufacturing facilities, services offered, working conditions, human resources development etc. can be reoriented through the Energy concept, and a better solution can be achieved. This method will be definitely useful to achieve the desired results such as productivity, product quality, quality of service, system efficiency, profitability etc. etc. and the organization will have the long-lasting benefits.
Any organization irrespective of its type/category should use the Energy imbalance concept to address any problem and to achieve the long lasting desired results.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10. 10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
When the Energy is in the balanced condition then every thing is harmonious, smooth and easy; and when the Energy is not in the balanced condition then the problem starts.
There are 5 types of the Energy imbalances, which are considered as the Universal predicaments.
These 5 Energy imbalances are the basic types of problems any object may face in their given life span, including all the human beings, anywhere in the World.
The same Energy Concept is applicable to any Organization / Industry / Institute etc.
An Organization is nothing but a group of people working together for some specific purpose. The Organization could be of any type. It may be an Engineering goods manufacturing unit, a Production factory, a Service industry, an Information Technology company, a Commercial/finance related unit, a Hospital, a Consultant firm, a Political party, a Sports organization, a Profession related association, or an NGO etc. etc.
All types of Organizations irrespective of its category, size, activities etc. are governed by the Universal Energy Concept. If the Energy level of the people related to that organization is in the balanced condition then that organization will run smoothly and if there is any Energy imbalance then that organization will have problems. The no. of types of main problems faced by any organization will be 5, which is based on the Basic Energy Concept. The types of problems faced by any organization are similar to the problems faced by any human beings.
Carefulness and Moderation (based on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis) is the ‘key’ for addressing any organizational problems.
If the organization behavior is analyzed properly based on the Energy Imbalance concept, then it will be easy to solve any problem of that organization. All activities of the organization such as product design, manufacturing facilities, services offered, working conditions, human resources development etc. can be reoriented through the Energy concept, and a better solution can be achieved. This method will be definitely useful to achieve the desired results such as productivity, product quality, quality of service, system efficiency, profitability etc. etc. and the organization will have the long-lasting benefits.
Any organization irrespective of its type/category should use the Energy imbalance concept to address any problem and to achieve the long lasting desired results.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Friday, April 15, 2011
Very often, everybody around, generally talks about good omen or bad omen, auspicious time/day or inauspicious time/day, lucky or unlucky numbers/colors/ mascot etc.
In this Universe there is nothing like good omen or bad omen, auspicious time/day or inauspicious time/day, lucky or unlucky numbers/colors/mascot etc. Every thing is the natural outcome of the effect, functioning of the 10 ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
The Nature is common and equal to everybody.
All such things (good omen or bad omen, auspicious time/day or inauspicious time/day, lucky or unlucky numbers/colors/mascot etc.), are basically assumptions, beliefs of the people. Such assumptions, beliefs differ from person to person, place to place and also changes over a period of time, but there is no definite proof/logic behind such things. There might have been good intentions behind such things due to a particular culture, tradition ,reason etc. but it is likely to be more of a commercial gimmick/exploitation, and it is better to recheck the beliefs based on the common sense and scientific information about the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
However, one has to keep in mind that, one need not go against the established beliefs and assumptions, but always reconsider and take the final decision based on suitability, convenience, liking, common sense and overall feel good factor, and certainly not due to any weakness or insecurity.
An individual can always make a sincere attempt to take the final decision based on his ‘Conscientiousness’, and certainly avoid any commercial gimmick / exploitation, under the pretext of age-old tradition.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
In this Universe there is nothing like good omen or bad omen, auspicious time/day or inauspicious time/day, lucky or unlucky numbers/colors/mascot etc. Every thing is the natural outcome of the effect, functioning of the 10 ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
The Nature is common and equal to everybody.
All such things (good omen or bad omen, auspicious time/day or inauspicious time/day, lucky or unlucky numbers/colors/mascot etc.), are basically assumptions, beliefs of the people. Such assumptions, beliefs differ from person to person, place to place and also changes over a period of time, but there is no definite proof/logic behind such things. There might have been good intentions behind such things due to a particular culture, tradition ,reason etc. but it is likely to be more of a commercial gimmick/exploitation, and it is better to recheck the beliefs based on the common sense and scientific information about the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
However, one has to keep in mind that, one need not go against the established beliefs and assumptions, but always reconsider and take the final decision based on suitability, convenience, liking, common sense and overall feel good factor, and certainly not due to any weakness or insecurity.
An individual can always make a sincere attempt to take the final decision based on his ‘Conscientiousness’, and certainly avoid any commercial gimmick / exploitation, under the pretext of age-old tradition.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Luck, Fate, Destiny are very common words used by most of the people globally, in the day to day life.
Luck is related to fortune. Good luck is related to good fortune and bad luck is related to bad fortune.
Fate and destiny are the words having similar meaning. It means something which is predetermined, supposed to be by the Divine power and, is likely to happen without much choice.
Whether Divine power is there or not; whether luck, fate, destiny can be told in advance or not, is not the subject of this article.
Normally if something happens which is good or which is not a misfortune then it is said that, it was due to good luck.
If something happens which causes serious damage or which is fatal, then fate or destiny word is used.
If an individual person reorients himself through the Basic Universal Energy Elements concept, and starts viewing every thing as the manifestation of the Energy, then it becomes easy to understand such aspects.
Each and everything in this Universe is due to Energy. When the Energy is in the balanced form, then everything in the life is smooth and easy, without any problems.
When the Energy is in the imbalanced form, then certain things are not smooth and easy, which leads to various problems.
There are 3 stages in the life, at which the Energy imbalance may take place.
1)Pre natal period.
2)Post natal period - childhood (from the Birth till
18-20 years)
3)Adult life.
There are various reasons for the Energy imbalance at above 3 stages.
If Energy imbalance takes place during the prenatal period or, during the post natal-childhood period, then nothing much can be done by that individual. However, if the Energy imbalance takes place during the adult life then something could be done, to address it.
An individual can learn and understand various reasons of Energy imbalance and take the efforts to set the things right.
Whatever may be the so called bad luck or fate or destiny, there are tools which has got the capacity to change it to some extent, and make life comparatively tolerable, simple and easy.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Luck is related to fortune. Good luck is related to good fortune and bad luck is related to bad fortune.
Fate and destiny are the words having similar meaning. It means something which is predetermined, supposed to be by the Divine power and, is likely to happen without much choice.
Whether Divine power is there or not; whether luck, fate, destiny can be told in advance or not, is not the subject of this article.
Normally if something happens which is good or which is not a misfortune then it is said that, it was due to good luck.
If something happens which causes serious damage or which is fatal, then fate or destiny word is used.
If an individual person reorients himself through the Basic Universal Energy Elements concept, and starts viewing every thing as the manifestation of the Energy, then it becomes easy to understand such aspects.
Each and everything in this Universe is due to Energy. When the Energy is in the balanced form, then everything in the life is smooth and easy, without any problems.
When the Energy is in the imbalanced form, then certain things are not smooth and easy, which leads to various problems.
There are 3 stages in the life, at which the Energy imbalance may take place.
1)Pre natal period.
2)Post natal period - childhood (from the Birth till
18-20 years)
3)Adult life.
There are various reasons for the Energy imbalance at above 3 stages.
If Energy imbalance takes place during the prenatal period or, during the post natal-childhood period, then nothing much can be done by that individual. However, if the Energy imbalance takes place during the adult life then something could be done, to address it.
An individual can learn and understand various reasons of Energy imbalance and take the efforts to set the things right.
Whatever may be the so called bad luck or fate or destiny, there are tools which has got the capacity to change it to some extent, and make life comparatively tolerable, simple and easy.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
All ‘orders’ and ‘disorders’ are part of the day to day active life. The Line of demarcation which differentiates between ‘orders’ and ‘disorders’, is very very subtle and needs very careful observation and attention.
‘Orders’ and ‘disorders’ are basically, outcome / result of the behavior/ activities done, related to various’ Wants’ and ‘Desires’.
Various Wants and Desires are as follows:
6)Physical relations/sex.
8)Materialistic things like, gold, jewellery, vehicles, etc.
When individual’s thinking/expectations about any wants/desires are normal/natural/proportionate/ appropriate, then everything in life is in order, and life becomes smooth, easy, happy and satisfactory.
When individual’s thinking/expectations about any wants/desires are not normal/natural/proportionate/appropriate, then it gives rise to all sorts of disorders and life becomes unhappy and unsatisfactory. So, all disorders are, basically outcome of thinking/expectation about any wants/desires which are not normal/natural/proportionate/appropriate, or, one can say, disorders are due to the unhealthy wants and desires. To ‘use’ the ‘Others’, for the individual selfish purpose, is also very unhealthy. All such things end up in frustration, which then leads to the disorders.
Following disorders can be observed in anybody’s life.
1)Unhealthy wants and desires: Due to wrong concepts, wrong views an individual may think/expect too much about various wants and desires which may not be normal/natural/appropriate/proportionate to the situation. This also includes the ‘use’ of the ‘Others’ for the selfish purpose. All such unhealthy wants and desires is the beginning of human disorders.
2)Wrath: When unhealthy wants and desires are not fulfilled, then the person becomes restless and it turns into the ‘Wrath’. The Wrath means, great anger which is normally harmful to others.
3)Greed: When the unhealthy desires are fulfilled to some extent but the person wants to have it more, then it turns in to the ‘Greed’.
4)Temptation: When the Greed becomes too much, it turns into the ‘Temptation’.
5)Jealousy: When an individual does not get certain things as per his unhealthy desires, but some other person gets the same thing, then it turns into ‘Jealousy’. (towards that person)
6)Haughtiness: When an individual exhibits/displays his acquired unhealthy desires, then it turns into the ‘Haughtiness’.
7)Hypocrisy: When an individual has various disorders but he does not accept it, then it turns into ‘Hypocrisy’.
8)Complexes, depression, anxiety, phobias etc.: Complexes such as superiority complex and inferiority complex, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, phobias etc., are the disorders, which are also due to the unhealthy wants and desires and the wrong concepts.
Basically the Thinking depends upon the Energy level of individual’s 3 main spheres / levels i.e. The Thinking level, The Emotional level, and The Physical level. If there is Energy balance at all the 3 levels then the Thinking becomes normal and wants/desires also become normal and as such there is no disorder.
If there is any Energy imbalance at any of the above 3 levels then, the Thinking gets affected. This leads into wrong expectations, which then turns into unhealthy wants and desires, and ultimately results into disorders.
So, the Energy imbalance at any of the 3 levels is the root cause of the disorder.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
‘Orders’ and ‘disorders’ are basically, outcome / result of the behavior/ activities done, related to various’ Wants’ and ‘Desires’.
Various Wants and Desires are as follows:
6)Physical relations/sex.
8)Materialistic things like, gold, jewellery, vehicles, etc.
When individual’s thinking/expectations about any wants/desires are normal/natural/proportionate/ appropriate, then everything in life is in order, and life becomes smooth, easy, happy and satisfactory.
When individual’s thinking/expectations about any wants/desires are not normal/natural/proportionate/appropriate, then it gives rise to all sorts of disorders and life becomes unhappy and unsatisfactory. So, all disorders are, basically outcome of thinking/expectation about any wants/desires which are not normal/natural/proportionate/appropriate, or, one can say, disorders are due to the unhealthy wants and desires. To ‘use’ the ‘Others’, for the individual selfish purpose, is also very unhealthy. All such things end up in frustration, which then leads to the disorders.
Following disorders can be observed in anybody’s life.
1)Unhealthy wants and desires: Due to wrong concepts, wrong views an individual may think/expect too much about various wants and desires which may not be normal/natural/appropriate/proportionate to the situation. This also includes the ‘use’ of the ‘Others’ for the selfish purpose. All such unhealthy wants and desires is the beginning of human disorders.
2)Wrath: When unhealthy wants and desires are not fulfilled, then the person becomes restless and it turns into the ‘Wrath’. The Wrath means, great anger which is normally harmful to others.
3)Greed: When the unhealthy desires are fulfilled to some extent but the person wants to have it more, then it turns in to the ‘Greed’.
4)Temptation: When the Greed becomes too much, it turns into the ‘Temptation’.
5)Jealousy: When an individual does not get certain things as per his unhealthy desires, but some other person gets the same thing, then it turns into ‘Jealousy’. (towards that person)
6)Haughtiness: When an individual exhibits/displays his acquired unhealthy desires, then it turns into the ‘Haughtiness’.
7)Hypocrisy: When an individual has various disorders but he does not accept it, then it turns into ‘Hypocrisy’.
8)Complexes, depression, anxiety, phobias etc.: Complexes such as superiority complex and inferiority complex, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, phobias etc., are the disorders, which are also due to the unhealthy wants and desires and the wrong concepts.
Basically the Thinking depends upon the Energy level of individual’s 3 main spheres / levels i.e. The Thinking level, The Emotional level, and The Physical level. If there is Energy balance at all the 3 levels then the Thinking becomes normal and wants/desires also become normal and as such there is no disorder.
If there is any Energy imbalance at any of the above 3 levels then, the Thinking gets affected. This leads into wrong expectations, which then turns into unhealthy wants and desires, and ultimately results into disorders.
So, the Energy imbalance at any of the 3 levels is the root cause of the disorder.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
There is a lot of confusion regarding, male - female functions, the role playing, activities to be done etc. particularly in the modern and civilized society.
If we try to analyze it through the Basic Universal Energy Elements concept then, the solution to this problem can be obtained.
The Basic Energy has two main categories/parts/ sides. Some examples are given below.
1st Category/ Part/Side. - 2nd Category/ Part/Side.
Day - Night
Light - Darkness
Left side - Right side
Outside - Inside
Top - Bottom
Backside - Front side
Function - Structure
Receiver - Doer
Female - Male
Yang - Yin
Both the categories/parts/sides have all the 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements in them, and both have the following characteristics.
1. There is always an element of part 2 in the part 1, and an element of part 1 in the part 2.
2. Both the parts are opposite of each other by nature, but, they are dependent on each other. These parts have the natural qualitative difference in them.
3. Both the parts are complimentary to each other, and, both are required to form a unity. They cannot be separated from each other, and cannot function in isolation.
4. Both the parts have a metaphysical presence and it has to be understood as a concept, and not as an object.
Each and every cell of any object in the Universe is made up of the Basic Energy and it consists of both the above categories.
An individual human being is one of the objects in the Universe and is made up of millions of such cells.
As an object, there are 2 categories in human beings i.e. male and female.
(There is a difference between male and female as an object and, male and female as a concept of the Energy category.)
Both male and female objects have the same Basic Universal Energy Elements, but they have qualitative difference in them.
The Male, as an object, is the ‘doer’ oriented and hence, he is strong, muscular, hard etc., and his physique is suitable for the ‘doer’ activity.
The Female, as an object, is ‘receiver’ oriented and hence, she is delicate, soft, tender etc., and her physique is suitable for the ‘receiver’ activity.
Both(Male & Female) are required to carry out and complete the natural tasks and duties.
The ‘doer’ has no value, if the ‘receiver’ is not there, and the ‘receiver’ has no value, if the ‘doer’ is not there.
In the earlier days, before civilization and modernization, the Male used to do basically the outwardly activities like hunting, defense related activities and the female was involved in the activities like going the family way, raising the family, cooking, house keeping etc.
Like the Basic Energy categories, both the categories of the human object are required to form a unit / family and perform the reproduction, growth related activities.
However, due to civilization, modernization, education etc., there was a shift in the activities of Male and Female. Apart from natural duties and functions, both are doing the activities/work, in the field of money making.
Since the Basic Energy Elements are same in both the human categories except that there is a qualitative difference which makes them do different functions, there is nothing like, more important category / less important category, or, upper hand/ lower hand etc.
As per the Basic Universal Energy concept, both are at the equal level and both are required to make a complete unit.
If there is proper understanding between male and female regarding the division of work and the management of work, then normally there is no problem.
If there is any problem, then mostly it is because of the wrong concepts and ideas.
With proper information and knowledge this problem can be sorted out.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
If we try to analyze it through the Basic Universal Energy Elements concept then, the solution to this problem can be obtained.
The Basic Energy has two main categories/parts/ sides. Some examples are given below.
1st Category/ Part/Side. - 2nd Category/ Part/Side.
Day - Night
Light - Darkness
Left side - Right side
Outside - Inside
Top - Bottom
Backside - Front side
Function - Structure
Receiver - Doer
Female - Male
Yang - Yin
Both the categories/parts/sides have all the 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements in them, and both have the following characteristics.
1. There is always an element of part 2 in the part 1, and an element of part 1 in the part 2.
2. Both the parts are opposite of each other by nature, but, they are dependent on each other. These parts have the natural qualitative difference in them.
3. Both the parts are complimentary to each other, and, both are required to form a unity. They cannot be separated from each other, and cannot function in isolation.
4. Both the parts have a metaphysical presence and it has to be understood as a concept, and not as an object.
Each and every cell of any object in the Universe is made up of the Basic Energy and it consists of both the above categories.
An individual human being is one of the objects in the Universe and is made up of millions of such cells.
As an object, there are 2 categories in human beings i.e. male and female.
(There is a difference between male and female as an object and, male and female as a concept of the Energy category.)
Both male and female objects have the same Basic Universal Energy Elements, but they have qualitative difference in them.
The Male, as an object, is the ‘doer’ oriented and hence, he is strong, muscular, hard etc., and his physique is suitable for the ‘doer’ activity.
The Female, as an object, is ‘receiver’ oriented and hence, she is delicate, soft, tender etc., and her physique is suitable for the ‘receiver’ activity.
Both(Male & Female) are required to carry out and complete the natural tasks and duties.
The ‘doer’ has no value, if the ‘receiver’ is not there, and the ‘receiver’ has no value, if the ‘doer’ is not there.
In the earlier days, before civilization and modernization, the Male used to do basically the outwardly activities like hunting, defense related activities and the female was involved in the activities like going the family way, raising the family, cooking, house keeping etc.
Like the Basic Energy categories, both the categories of the human object are required to form a unit / family and perform the reproduction, growth related activities.
However, due to civilization, modernization, education etc., there was a shift in the activities of Male and Female. Apart from natural duties and functions, both are doing the activities/work, in the field of money making.
Since the Basic Energy Elements are same in both the human categories except that there is a qualitative difference which makes them do different functions, there is nothing like, more important category / less important category, or, upper hand/ lower hand etc.
As per the Basic Universal Energy concept, both are at the equal level and both are required to make a complete unit.
If there is proper understanding between male and female regarding the division of work and the management of work, then normally there is no problem.
If there is any problem, then mostly it is because of the wrong concepts and ideas.
With proper information and knowledge this problem can be sorted out.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Monday, April 11, 2011
This can be explained as follows.
It is essential to understand the concept of ‘NET TOTAL ENERGY’, so as to understand the factors responsible for effective ‘ROLE PLAYING’.
NET TOTAL ENERGY (N.T.E.) means the ‘Net sum’ of the ‘Total Energy’.
The ‘Total Energy’ can be explained as follows:
Every Human being has the 3 spheres/levels totally integrated with each other, which makes him function, perform and behave as the one integrated person. The 3 spheres / levels are,
1) Physical,
2) Mental (Thinking, Emotional),and,
3) Intellect.
The physical level activities are related to all actual activities done by any person.
The Mental level activity mainly consists of Thinking and Emoting. It is influenced by complexes, beliefs, assumptions etc.
The Intellect or Intellectual level activity is related one’s potential or capacity to do various activities which involves the given Intelligence. This is represented by various Quotients such as 1) Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.), 2) Emotional Quotient (E.Q.), 3) Understanding Quotient (U.Q.), 4) Passion Quotient (P.Q.), 5) Courage Quotient (C.Q.), 6) Communication Quotient (Com.Q.), 7) Spiritual Quotient (S.Q.), 8) Financial Quotient (F.Q.).
The various activities, functions carried out by these 3 levels are different in nature but, these 3 levels are interrelated and interdependent on each other. All these 3 levels represent the Basic Universal Energy Elements, and combinedly make the person as a one integrated entity. The person’s cognizance and the behavior is influenced by these 3 levels.
When the Energy is in the balanced form then, all the functions, performance, behavior are normal, natural, easy, and simple.
When the Energy becomes imbalanced then, all the functions, performance, and behavior are not normal, natural, easy, and simple.
There are 5 different types of Energy imbalances in any individual. All these 5 imbalances will have effects on any individual, as per his constitution and potential / capacity. This means two different persons may have any/all types of Energy imbalance at Physical, Mental and Intellect level but their individual effects will be different, based on that person’s constitution and potential/ capacity.
‘THE NET TOTAL ENERGY’ means consideration of all these Energies together, whether it is balanced or imbalanced, at the above 3 spheres/levels.
So, the Energy, which remains after summing up, is considered as the ‘Net Total Energy’ (N.T.E.).
N.T.E. is the effective, practical, useful level of the Energy in a person, considering all the 3 main spheres, which makes him function, perform, behave in that particular manner at that time.
N.T.E. changes from time to time, as per the condition of the individual’s Energy level. As the understanding, conceptualization, efforts on reducing the Energy imbalance, etc., changes, then, accordingly, that person’s behavior, performance, function also changes, which is the reflection of the Energy level at that time.
Hence a person is the direct reflection of his N.T.E. at that time.
As the Thinking, Emotions, Mind set, Physical health, Social health, Spiritual health, Financial health, ‘Application of Intelligence’ Factor changes, the N.T.E. of that person changes.
The N.T.E. should be considered as a concept and not as an Arithmetic calculation, so as to understand the person’s effectiveness in the functioning, performance and behavior. This is similar to the ‘Net Profit’, calculated by the accounts department/auditors of any large multi divisional industry/organization.
The N.T.E. is directly related to the Universal Energy level(Bio Energy) of the person, and if the Energy is in the balanced form, then the N.T.E. is good and if, the Energy is not in the balanced form then, the N.T.E. is not so good and the life will not be smooth, easy and happy. In short, the N.T.E. determines the quality of life, the way of life and the effective behavior of the person.
‘Role playing’ of a person changes from time to time as per his N.T.E. at that particular time. Different roles such as husband/wife, father/mother, son/daughter, son-in-law/daughter-in-law, father-in-law/mother-in/law, brother/sister, teacher/ student, professional (senior/junior), friend, social worker etc. are the direct reflection of the N.T.E. and it has got different dimensions for the same person.
This means a person may be good as a husband/wife, but may not be good as a father/mother, based on his N.T.E. at that time. Or, a person may be good as a father/mother, but may not be good as father-in-law/mother-in-law. Or, a person may be good as a father/mother, but may not be good as a husband/wife. Or, a person may be good as a professional, but may not be good as a friend. Or, a person may be good as a student, but may not be good as a teacher. All these different roles of the same person give different effect and it is directly based on his N.T.E. at that time.
So, if the role playing is to be analyzed, then the N.T.E. has to be analyzed. The N.T.E. can be improved / corrected as per the requirements/situation, which will make a person to behave in a better way, in most of the situations.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
It is essential to understand the concept of ‘NET TOTAL ENERGY’, so as to understand the factors responsible for effective ‘ROLE PLAYING’.
NET TOTAL ENERGY (N.T.E.) means the ‘Net sum’ of the ‘Total Energy’.
The ‘Total Energy’ can be explained as follows:
Every Human being has the 3 spheres/levels totally integrated with each other, which makes him function, perform and behave as the one integrated person. The 3 spheres / levels are,
1) Physical,
2) Mental (Thinking, Emotional),and,
3) Intellect.
The physical level activities are related to all actual activities done by any person.
The Mental level activity mainly consists of Thinking and Emoting. It is influenced by complexes, beliefs, assumptions etc.
The Intellect or Intellectual level activity is related one’s potential or capacity to do various activities which involves the given Intelligence. This is represented by various Quotients such as 1) Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.), 2) Emotional Quotient (E.Q.), 3) Understanding Quotient (U.Q.), 4) Passion Quotient (P.Q.), 5) Courage Quotient (C.Q.), 6) Communication Quotient (Com.Q.), 7) Spiritual Quotient (S.Q.), 8) Financial Quotient (F.Q.).
The various activities, functions carried out by these 3 levels are different in nature but, these 3 levels are interrelated and interdependent on each other. All these 3 levels represent the Basic Universal Energy Elements, and combinedly make the person as a one integrated entity. The person’s cognizance and the behavior is influenced by these 3 levels.
When the Energy is in the balanced form then, all the functions, performance, behavior are normal, natural, easy, and simple.
When the Energy becomes imbalanced then, all the functions, performance, and behavior are not normal, natural, easy, and simple.
There are 5 different types of Energy imbalances in any individual. All these 5 imbalances will have effects on any individual, as per his constitution and potential / capacity. This means two different persons may have any/all types of Energy imbalance at Physical, Mental and Intellect level but their individual effects will be different, based on that person’s constitution and potential/ capacity.
‘THE NET TOTAL ENERGY’ means consideration of all these Energies together, whether it is balanced or imbalanced, at the above 3 spheres/levels.
So, the Energy, which remains after summing up, is considered as the ‘Net Total Energy’ (N.T.E.).
N.T.E. is the effective, practical, useful level of the Energy in a person, considering all the 3 main spheres, which makes him function, perform, behave in that particular manner at that time.
N.T.E. changes from time to time, as per the condition of the individual’s Energy level. As the understanding, conceptualization, efforts on reducing the Energy imbalance, etc., changes, then, accordingly, that person’s behavior, performance, function also changes, which is the reflection of the Energy level at that time.
Hence a person is the direct reflection of his N.T.E. at that time.
As the Thinking, Emotions, Mind set, Physical health, Social health, Spiritual health, Financial health, ‘Application of Intelligence’ Factor changes, the N.T.E. of that person changes.
The N.T.E. should be considered as a concept and not as an Arithmetic calculation, so as to understand the person’s effectiveness in the functioning, performance and behavior. This is similar to the ‘Net Profit’, calculated by the accounts department/auditors of any large multi divisional industry/organization.
The N.T.E. is directly related to the Universal Energy level(Bio Energy) of the person, and if the Energy is in the balanced form, then the N.T.E. is good and if, the Energy is not in the balanced form then, the N.T.E. is not so good and the life will not be smooth, easy and happy. In short, the N.T.E. determines the quality of life, the way of life and the effective behavior of the person.
‘Role playing’ of a person changes from time to time as per his N.T.E. at that particular time. Different roles such as husband/wife, father/mother, son/daughter, son-in-law/daughter-in-law, father-in-law/mother-in/law, brother/sister, teacher/ student, professional (senior/junior), friend, social worker etc. are the direct reflection of the N.T.E. and it has got different dimensions for the same person.
This means a person may be good as a husband/wife, but may not be good as a father/mother, based on his N.T.E. at that time. Or, a person may be good as a father/mother, but may not be good as father-in-law/mother-in-law. Or, a person may be good as a father/mother, but may not be good as a husband/wife. Or, a person may be good as a professional, but may not be good as a friend. Or, a person may be good as a student, but may not be good as a teacher. All these different roles of the same person give different effect and it is directly based on his N.T.E. at that time.
So, if the role playing is to be analyzed, then the N.T.E. has to be analyzed. The N.T.E. can be improved / corrected as per the requirements/situation, which will make a person to behave in a better way, in most of the situations.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Life can be made simple and easy once the working of the Universal Mechanism is understood and realized.
We all are part of the Universe.
Universe is made up of 10 BASIC UNIVERSAL ENERGY ELEMENTS.
Basic Universal Energy Element is the source of Bio Energy, and there is nothing beyond these Basic Universal Energy Elements in this Universe.
The Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy) are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10.10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
Also, The Basic Energy Elements are divided in to 2 parts/categories which are as follows.
1st Category/ Part/Side - 2nd Category/ Part/Side
Day - Night
Light - Darkness
Left side - Right side
Outside - Inside
Top - Bottom
Backside - Front side
Function - Structure
Receiver - Doer
Female - Male
Yang - Yin
When the Energy is in balanced condition, there will not be any problems to anybody.
When the Energy becomes imbalanced then the problem starts.
There are mainly 5 types of Energy imbalances (Human predicaments), and there are 3 stages in human life, when any of these 5 imbalances are likely to happen.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
We all are part of the Universe.
Universe is made up of 10 BASIC UNIVERSAL ENERGY ELEMENTS.
Basic Universal Energy Element is the source of Bio Energy, and there is nothing beyond these Basic Universal Energy Elements in this Universe.
The Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy) are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10.10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
Also, The Basic Energy Elements are divided in to 2 parts/categories which are as follows.
1st Category/ Part/Side - 2nd Category/ Part/Side
Day - Night
Light - Darkness
Left side - Right side
Outside - Inside
Top - Bottom
Backside - Front side
Function - Structure
Receiver - Doer
Female - Male
Yang - Yin
When the Energy is in balanced condition, there will not be any problems to anybody.
When the Energy becomes imbalanced then the problem starts.
There are mainly 5 types of Energy imbalances (Human predicaments), and there are 3 stages in human life, when any of these 5 imbalances are likely to happen.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Every individual has got Weight and Waist line, as per his height. When Energy balance is there, weight and waist line is in proportion to the height and, when Energy balance is not there, weight and waist line is not in proportion to the height.
When weight and waist line is not in proportion to the height it gives rise to various diseases and/or, overall functioning, performance of the individual becomes unsatisfactory.
So, every individual has to be very careful and watchful to see that his Weight and Waist line is in proportion to height. It is not enough to have only weight or only waistline in proportion to height. Both, weight & waistline must be in proportion to height; otherwise it will give rise to various problems.
Following table can be used as general guideline for Height, Weight and Waist line measurements:
1) For Male: (Above 18 years)
Sr. No. Ht.(in Cm.) Wt.(in Kg.) Waistline (in Cm.)
1. 150 50 73
2. 155 55 75.5
3. 160 60 78
4. 165 65 80.5
5. 170 70 83
6. 175 75 85.5
7. 180 80 88
2) For Female : (Above 18 years)
Sr. No. Ht.(in Cm.) Wt.(in Kg.) Waistline (in Cm.)
1. 150 48 71
2. 155 53 73.5
3. 160 58 76
4. 165 63 78.5
5. 170 68 81
6. 175 73 83.5
7. 180 78 86
Naturopathy practices such as diet, lifestyle, exercise, non-consumption of alcohol/liquor, tobacco, drugs, strong synthetic medicines etc. combinedly helps in weight and waistline management.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
When weight and waist line is not in proportion to the height it gives rise to various diseases and/or, overall functioning, performance of the individual becomes unsatisfactory.
So, every individual has to be very careful and watchful to see that his Weight and Waist line is in proportion to height. It is not enough to have only weight or only waistline in proportion to height. Both, weight & waistline must be in proportion to height; otherwise it will give rise to various problems.
Following table can be used as general guideline for Height, Weight and Waist line measurements:
1) For Male: (Above 18 years)
Sr. No. Ht.(in Cm.) Wt.(in Kg.) Waistline (in Cm.)
1. 150 50 73
2. 155 55 75.5
3. 160 60 78
4. 165 65 80.5
5. 170 70 83
6. 175 75 85.5
7. 180 80 88
2) For Female : (Above 18 years)
Sr. No. Ht.(in Cm.) Wt.(in Kg.) Waistline (in Cm.)
1. 150 48 71
2. 155 53 73.5
3. 160 58 76
4. 165 63 78.5
5. 170 68 81
6. 175 73 83.5
7. 180 78 86
Naturopathy practices such as diet, lifestyle, exercise, non-consumption of alcohol/liquor, tobacco, drugs, strong synthetic medicines etc. combinedly helps in weight and waistline management.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
‘GOD PARTICLE’ (BOSON PARTICLE) is considered as a ‘Particle’ through which our ‘Universe’ is created. The Universe is created because of this ‘single’ particle, hence it is called as ‘God Particle’. Experiments are going on to establish this theory.
However, it should be noted that, lot of authentic information is available on creation of the ‘Universe’.
Following is very useful information about the creation of the ‘Universe’.
This Universe was formed, about 13.7 billion years ago. It is strongly believed that, the Universe was formed due to the ‘Big Bang’. This Universe, which is in the form of a huge mass, is the outcome/ effect of the ‘Big Bang’.
There was no life in the Universe in the beginning. The only presence was of the ‘Energy’, in the form of the ‘Vibrations’. ’Energy’ means the power of doing the ‘Work’.
Then slowly, the ‘Energy’, which was there in the form of vibrations, took different forms and shapes. These different forms and shapes are considered as the same original vibrations, but, with the different frequencies.
These different forms and shapes are called as the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
These Energy Elements are everywhere in this universe, since the infinity, and are going to be there, till the infinity (till the existence of this universe). Hence, they are called as the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
The Basic Universal Energy Elements are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10. 10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
The above mentioned 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements should be considered as the Postulations/ Axioms. The information about this in details is available in the ancient Indian Aurvedic Treatise – ‘The Charaka Samhita’. ‘The Charaka Samhita’ is considered as the most authentic and the oldest Treatise about the ‘Science of Life’, the world over.
In this Universe, all the Energies are grouped as per the above mentioned 10 Basic Energy Elements.
In this Universe, each and everything is made up of the above 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements, may be in different forms and combinations, and there is nothing beyond these 10 Basic Energy Elements.
All the present inventions and discoveries can be termed as the reinventions and rediscoveries of the Basic Universal Energy Elements in different forms and combinations.
Out of the 10 Basic Energy Elements, 5 Elements are of the Physical nature which can be seen; where as, 5 Elements are of the Metaphysical nature which cannot be seen.
The 5 Physical Basic Universal Energy Elements are as follows:
1.‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
2.‘Air’ (Wind) Element.
3.‘Fire’ Element.
4.‘Water’ Element.
5.‘Earth’ Element.
The above 5 Physical Energy Elements are called as -
‘PANCH-MAHABHOOTAS’ (5 basic sources of Bio Energy).
The 5 Metaphysical Basic Universal Energy Elements are as follows:
1.‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element
2.‘Time’ Element.
3.’Direction’ Element.
4.‘Mind’ Element.
5.‘Soul’ Element.
The Universal Energy has different names in the different parts of the world:
In India it is called as the ‘Prana’ Energy.
In China it is called as the ‘Chi’ or ‘Qi’ Energy.
In Japan it is called as the ‘Shiatsu’ Energy.
In other parts of the World it is called as the ‘Vital Force’, ‘Life Force' or the ‘Bio Energy’.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
However, it should be noted that, lot of authentic information is available on creation of the ‘Universe’.
Following is very useful information about the creation of the ‘Universe’.
This Universe was formed, about 13.7 billion years ago. It is strongly believed that, the Universe was formed due to the ‘Big Bang’. This Universe, which is in the form of a huge mass, is the outcome/ effect of the ‘Big Bang’.
There was no life in the Universe in the beginning. The only presence was of the ‘Energy’, in the form of the ‘Vibrations’. ’Energy’ means the power of doing the ‘Work’.
Then slowly, the ‘Energy’, which was there in the form of vibrations, took different forms and shapes. These different forms and shapes are considered as the same original vibrations, but, with the different frequencies.
These different forms and shapes are called as the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
These Energy Elements are everywhere in this universe, since the infinity, and are going to be there, till the infinity (till the existence of this universe). Hence, they are called as the ‘Basic Universal Energy Elements’.
The Basic Universal Energy Elements are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10. 10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
The above mentioned 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements should be considered as the Postulations/ Axioms. The information about this in details is available in the ancient Indian Aurvedic Treatise – ‘The Charaka Samhita’. ‘The Charaka Samhita’ is considered as the most authentic and the oldest Treatise about the ‘Science of Life’, the world over.
In this Universe, all the Energies are grouped as per the above mentioned 10 Basic Energy Elements.
In this Universe, each and everything is made up of the above 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements, may be in different forms and combinations, and there is nothing beyond these 10 Basic Energy Elements.
All the present inventions and discoveries can be termed as the reinventions and rediscoveries of the Basic Universal Energy Elements in different forms and combinations.
Out of the 10 Basic Energy Elements, 5 Elements are of the Physical nature which can be seen; where as, 5 Elements are of the Metaphysical nature which cannot be seen.
The 5 Physical Basic Universal Energy Elements are as follows:
1.‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
2.‘Air’ (Wind) Element.
3.‘Fire’ Element.
4.‘Water’ Element.
5.‘Earth’ Element.
The above 5 Physical Energy Elements are called as -
‘PANCH-MAHABHOOTAS’ (5 basic sources of Bio Energy).
The 5 Metaphysical Basic Universal Energy Elements are as follows:
1.‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element
2.‘Time’ Element.
3.’Direction’ Element.
4.‘Mind’ Element.
5.‘Soul’ Element.
The Universal Energy has different names in the different parts of the world:
In India it is called as the ‘Prana’ Energy.
In China it is called as the ‘Chi’ or ‘Qi’ Energy.
In Japan it is called as the ‘Shiatsu’ Energy.
In other parts of the World it is called as the ‘Vital Force’, ‘Life Force' or the ‘Bio Energy’.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Monday, April 4, 2011
‘Spirituality’ can be described in a simple way as something which is concerned/ related with the ‘Spirit’ or the ‘Soul’.
The ‘Soul’ is one of the Basic Universal Energy Elements. The ‘Soul’ has a metaphysical existence. The ‘Soul’ is the Element, which comes next after the ‘Mind’ Element, and it is present in each and every object.
Spirituality means looking beyond the areas of the ‘Mind’ .Thoughts and Emotions are the main areas/activities of the Mind. Mental activities are related with various types of desires and wants. Desires and wants are basically related to materialistic things like fame, position, respect, money, spouse etc. Every human being’s entire life revolves around such desires and wants. Every human being spends their entire Energy in achieving these things, throughout their life. Problem starts when certain desired level is not achieved in having these materialistic things and such situations then leads to mental disorders, misbehavior and unhealthy activities.
Spirituality focuses on the area which is beyond the Mind’s sphere of activities. This means, the Spirituality focuses on the area beyond the wants, desires and the materialistic things.
Spirituality focuses on perceiving life as more important, more valuable than merely achieving certain level in having the materialistic things.
Spirituality aims at perceiving ‘true’ nature of the individual and makes the individual to realize his relative position with the other existing objects in the Universe. In the process, it makes the individual free of the ‘egoistic’ self and helps him in becoming as the one’s ‘true’ self. In short, the Spirituality means reducing / softening one’s unhealthy ego and attaining more healthy approach. As the individual’s approach becomes healthy, it helps him in improving the ‘wellness’ feeling in the day to day life.
Our physical activities, behavior etc., is controlled by the ‘Mind’ Element, and the ‘Mind’ Element is controlled by the ‘Soul’ Element.
Spirituality can also mean, looking beyond the Physical and Mental level i.e. Physical, Thinking and Emotional aspects. So, looking beyond the aspects of, 1)Physical/Materialistic Achievements (position, respect, fame, money, spouse,
pleasure, success, prosperity etc.) 2)Thinking (imagination, fantasizing etc.)
and,3)Emotions (desires, wants, expectations, anger, jealousy, greed etc.) are considered as the Spirituality.
Spirituality means not leaving or avoiding Physical/ Materialistic achievements , Thinking, and Emotional activities but, not to bother too much about these things, to have less attachment/possessiveness, to develop ‘let go’ attitude( even if , certain achievements are less than the possible level), and move around easily in the present life. The Spiritual person becomes more transparent, open and truthful. These qualities help the person in becoming more honest and sincere. The Spirituality gives us our own answers to the purpose of life and the meaning of life. The Spirituality helps in growing our own wisdom, love, empathy, considerateness, accommodativeness, adjustments, compromises, forgiveness etc.
Forgiveness/healthy compromise/adjustments etc. is not a kind of weakness or a negative quality, but it is a kind of strength, a positive quality. Forgiveness should not be misunderstood as unhealthy compromise or unhealthy adjustments. Forgiveness means to develop ‘let go’ attitude, not to take revenge, not to give punishment at the individual level, avoiding ‘cutting to the size’ attitude etc.
The Spirituality helps in our own ‘feel good’ factor, and our own feeling of the ‘well being’.
Human beings live on faith and hope, that the future is going to be bright (or, there is light at the end of the tunnel), and the Spirituality provides us such faith and hope.
Spirituality will focus on having the balanced, flexible, accommodative and moderate approach. Once a person becomes balanced, flexible, accommodative and moderate in his approach, he becomes spiritual.
Spirituality need not be related with Religious activities. A person may be Spiritual but not Religious, and vice versa (A person may be Religious but not Spiritual).
Following can be considered as criteria for ‘Spirituality’.
1) Acceptance of the situation.
2) Forgiving.
3) Sacrifice.
4) Positive thinking.
5) Balanced (not one sided) approach.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The ‘Soul’ is one of the Basic Universal Energy Elements. The ‘Soul’ has a metaphysical existence. The ‘Soul’ is the Element, which comes next after the ‘Mind’ Element, and it is present in each and every object.
Spirituality means looking beyond the areas of the ‘Mind’ .Thoughts and Emotions are the main areas/activities of the Mind. Mental activities are related with various types of desires and wants. Desires and wants are basically related to materialistic things like fame, position, respect, money, spouse etc. Every human being’s entire life revolves around such desires and wants. Every human being spends their entire Energy in achieving these things, throughout their life. Problem starts when certain desired level is not achieved in having these materialistic things and such situations then leads to mental disorders, misbehavior and unhealthy activities.
Spirituality focuses on the area which is beyond the Mind’s sphere of activities. This means, the Spirituality focuses on the area beyond the wants, desires and the materialistic things.
Spirituality focuses on perceiving life as more important, more valuable than merely achieving certain level in having the materialistic things.
Spirituality aims at perceiving ‘true’ nature of the individual and makes the individual to realize his relative position with the other existing objects in the Universe. In the process, it makes the individual free of the ‘egoistic’ self and helps him in becoming as the one’s ‘true’ self. In short, the Spirituality means reducing / softening one’s unhealthy ego and attaining more healthy approach. As the individual’s approach becomes healthy, it helps him in improving the ‘wellness’ feeling in the day to day life.
Our physical activities, behavior etc., is controlled by the ‘Mind’ Element, and the ‘Mind’ Element is controlled by the ‘Soul’ Element.
Spirituality can also mean, looking beyond the Physical and Mental level i.e. Physical, Thinking and Emotional aspects. So, looking beyond the aspects of, 1)Physical/Materialistic Achievements (position, respect, fame, money, spouse,
pleasure, success, prosperity etc.) 2)Thinking (imagination, fantasizing etc.)
and,3)Emotions (desires, wants, expectations, anger, jealousy, greed etc.) are considered as the Spirituality.
Spirituality means not leaving or avoiding Physical/ Materialistic achievements , Thinking, and Emotional activities but, not to bother too much about these things, to have less attachment/possessiveness, to develop ‘let go’ attitude( even if , certain achievements are less than the possible level), and move around easily in the present life. The Spiritual person becomes more transparent, open and truthful. These qualities help the person in becoming more honest and sincere. The Spirituality gives us our own answers to the purpose of life and the meaning of life. The Spirituality helps in growing our own wisdom, love, empathy, considerateness, accommodativeness, adjustments, compromises, forgiveness etc.
Forgiveness/healthy compromise/adjustments etc. is not a kind of weakness or a negative quality, but it is a kind of strength, a positive quality. Forgiveness should not be misunderstood as unhealthy compromise or unhealthy adjustments. Forgiveness means to develop ‘let go’ attitude, not to take revenge, not to give punishment at the individual level, avoiding ‘cutting to the size’ attitude etc.
The Spirituality helps in our own ‘feel good’ factor, and our own feeling of the ‘well being’.
Human beings live on faith and hope, that the future is going to be bright (or, there is light at the end of the tunnel), and the Spirituality provides us such faith and hope.
Spirituality will focus on having the balanced, flexible, accommodative and moderate approach. Once a person becomes balanced, flexible, accommodative and moderate in his approach, he becomes spiritual.
Spirituality need not be related with Religious activities. A person may be Spiritual but not Religious, and vice versa (A person may be Religious but not Spiritual).
Following can be considered as criteria for ‘Spirituality’.
1) Acceptance of the situation.
2) Forgiving.
3) Sacrifice.
4) Positive thinking.
5) Balanced (not one sided) approach.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Sunday, April 3, 2011
All human beings are part of the ‘Universe’. Since the ‘Universe’ is common to all, there has to be certain common things which will be applicable to everybody in this ‘Universe’.
The ‘Basic Universal Energy Element’ is that common thing, which is applicable to everybody in this Universe. Based on this common concept of Basic Universal Energy Elements, the common formula/ method to solve any human problems can be established.
There 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements, which are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10.10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
Each and everything in this Universe is made up of the Universal Energy.
Each and everything in this Universe is basically, the Energy, in a different form or combination.
When the Energy is in the balanced condition, then, everything is normal and the life is easy and smooth.
When the Energy is not in the balanced condition, then, things are not normal and the life is not easy and smooth.
Based on the concept of Energy Elements and it’s natural characteristics, the central theme of the logistic method is designed, so as to address any & all human problems in the world.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The ‘Basic Universal Energy Element’ is that common thing, which is applicable to everybody in this Universe. Based on this common concept of Basic Universal Energy Elements, the common formula/ method to solve any human problems can be established.
There 10 Basic Universal Energy Elements, which are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10.10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
Each and everything in this Universe is made up of the Universal Energy.
Each and everything in this Universe is basically, the Energy, in a different form or combination.
When the Energy is in the balanced condition, then, everything is normal and the life is easy and smooth.
When the Energy is not in the balanced condition, then, things are not normal and the life is not easy and smooth.
Based on the concept of Energy Elements and it’s natural characteristics, the central theme of the logistic method is designed, so as to address any & all human problems in the world.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
Friday, April 1, 2011
All objects, including human beings, are made up of innumerable varieties of very very tiny cells. Each and every cell of the object is made up of the Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy), and there is nothing beyond these Basic Universal Energy Elements in them.
The Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy) are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10. 10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
All objects in this Universe originate from the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element. Then, it grows / expands, and exists till its life span. And, at the end of its life span, all the objects go back to the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element.
This means, after the death of any individual, the Bio Energy associated with that individual, goes back to the original Energy source, gets processed, and then takes new birth in a different object.
As such, there is nothing called ‘past life’. Also, there is nothing called ‘life after death’. Every thing is in the form of ‘Bio Energy’. So, no body should bother about any happenings in the so called ‘past life’, or anything likely to happen in the so called ‘life after death’.
However, it must be understood and realized that, even though there is nothing like ‘past life’, there is certainly something called as - ‘life before birth’. This ‘life before birth’ means ‘Prenatal period’. This Prenatal period is very important and it plays very important role in the ‘life after birth’.
‘NATURE’ is not cruel for ‘punishing’ anybody, for the mistakes done in the so called past life. At the same time, ‘NATURE’ is not angel for not ‘punishing’ anybody, for the mistakes done in the present life. This means, if Natural laws are followed properly in the given life, then the given life becomes simple & easy, and if the Natural laws are not followed properly in the given life, then it definitely becomes problematic.
More details about Energy Elements are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’. Website :-
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy) are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10. 10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
All objects in this Universe originate from the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element. Then, it grows / expands, and exists till its life span. And, at the end of its life span, all the objects go back to the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element.
This means, after the death of any individual, the Bio Energy associated with that individual, goes back to the original Energy source, gets processed, and then takes new birth in a different object.
As such, there is nothing called ‘past life’. Also, there is nothing called ‘life after death’. Every thing is in the form of ‘Bio Energy’. So, no body should bother about any happenings in the so called ‘past life’, or anything likely to happen in the so called ‘life after death’.
However, it must be understood and realized that, even though there is nothing like ‘past life’, there is certainly something called as - ‘life before birth’. This ‘life before birth’ means ‘Prenatal period’. This Prenatal period is very important and it plays very important role in the ‘life after birth’.
‘NATURE’ is not cruel for ‘punishing’ anybody, for the mistakes done in the so called past life. At the same time, ‘NATURE’ is not angel for not ‘punishing’ anybody, for the mistakes done in the present life. This means, if Natural laws are followed properly in the given life, then the given life becomes simple & easy, and if the Natural laws are not followed properly in the given life, then it definitely becomes problematic.
More details about Energy Elements are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’. Website :-
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
There are various different types of organic (living) and inorganic (non living) objects, in this Universe. All such objects, including human beings, are made up of innumerable varieties of very very tiny cells. Each and every cell of the object is made up of the Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy), and there is nothing beyond these Basic Universal Energy Elements in them.
The Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy) are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10.10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
All objects in this Universe originate from the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element. Then, it grows / expands, and exists till its life span. And, at the end of its life span, all the objects go back to the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element.
Again, everything originates from the ‘Creative’/ 'Tama’ Energy Element, grows / expands, and, at the end of its life, goes back to the ‘Creative’/ 'Tama’ Energy Element.
Again, everything originates from the ‘Creative’/ ‘Tama’ Energy Element, grows / expands, and, at the end of its life, goes back to the ‘Creative’/ ‘Tama’ Energy Element.
This means, after the death of any individual, the Bio Energy associated with that individual, goes back to the original Energy source, gets processed, and then takes new birth in a new/different object.
And, this cycle goes on, and on, and on.
This is the life cycle of each and every object in this Universe, and this will go on and on till the end of this Universe.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’. Website:-
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
The Basic Universal Energy Elements (source of - Bio Energy) are as follows:
1. 1st Energy Element – ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Element.
2. 2nd Energy Element – ‘Sky’ (Ether) Element.
3. 3rd Energy Element – ‘Air’ (wind) Element.
4. 4th Energy Element – ‘Fire’ Element.
5. 5th Energy Element – ‘Water’ Element.
6. 6th Energy Element – ‘Earth’ Element.
7. 7th Energy Element – ‘Time’ Element.
8. 8th Energy Element – ‘Direction’ Element.
9. 9th Energy Element –‘Mind’ Element.
10.10th Energy Element – ‘Soul’ Element.
All objects in this Universe originate from the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element. Then, it grows / expands, and exists till its life span. And, at the end of its life span, all the objects go back to the ‘Creative’ or ‘Tama’ Energy Element.
Again, everything originates from the ‘Creative’/ 'Tama’ Energy Element, grows / expands, and, at the end of its life, goes back to the ‘Creative’/ 'Tama’ Energy Element.
Again, everything originates from the ‘Creative’/ ‘Tama’ Energy Element, grows / expands, and, at the end of its life, goes back to the ‘Creative’/ ‘Tama’ Energy Element.
This means, after the death of any individual, the Bio Energy associated with that individual, goes back to the original Energy source, gets processed, and then takes new birth in a new/different object.
And, this cycle goes on, and on, and on.
This is the life cycle of each and every object in this Universe, and this will go on and on till the end of this Universe.
More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’. Website:-
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :-
2) email id :-
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
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