The Mind set / Mentality governs a person’s attitude, approach, outlook towards different things in the day to day life. A person’s behavior, way of working, way of functioning, social patterns, social norms etc. are related to his Mind set / Mentality.
A Mind set or Mentality, generally refers to the various assumptions, beliefs, methods, systems, opinions, views, concepts, bias etc. held by a person individually, or in a family, or in a formal/informal group, which are established over a very very long period of time, and it makes that person/family/ group to continue to adopt/accept those assumptions, beliefs etc., resulting in a particular behavior pattern/ liking/selection/choice.
Mind set has its own effect on the decision making process and it is always reflected in the day to day behavior.
Very common and sometimes misleading examples of the Mind set/ Mentality are as follows:
1)A person would be happy, satisfied and contented if he gets,
a)Topmost position at the organization where he is working, or at the social level.
b)Lots of Fame, celebrity status, public felicitation etc.
c)Lots of Respect, honor, esteem, reverence etc.
d)Lots of Money, property, jewelry, expensive / rare vehicles etc.
e)Good Spouse.
But, this is not the reality. Most of the people are not happy and satisfied even if they get top position, fame, respect, money, spouse etc. They are still unhappy, unsatisfied and restless. Whereas it is observed that some people are happy, satisfied and contented even without position, respect, fame, money, spouse etc. This shows that happiness, satisfaction, contentedness is not in having those things but somewhere else.
2)It is a very common concept and belief that spirituality is something which has to be done at the very fag end of the life & Spirituality will take away all the pleasures and materialistic activities of the life.
3)Lot of families/couples believe that their life is incomplete, if they do not have any progeny, or, the life is made and fulfilled only if, they get a baby boy, and not, even if they get a baby girl.
4)Big boys do not cry in the open and do not show their emotions publicly.
5)Physical beauty is a sure way of getting married and then it results in a successful married life.
6)One must eat a lot of non-veg, spicy and chilly food, consume alcohol and do smoking, to prove ‘He-manship’.
7)One must eat non-veg to have killer instinct.
8)Women should not go out of the household and should not do any money making /money management activities.
9)Women are not good at investment decisions.
10)It is the male tendency to misbehave, misconduct, do corruption etc., and the women never misbehave, misconduct, do corruption etc.
11)Creativity is required only in scientific research, literary work etc. and not in the day to day work.
12)Only women can do the household activities and men can not do it.
13)One should earn money thru' hard work only and the rentier income is not good.
14)The Persons who are good at ‘Money Making’ are not good at ‘Academic Education’, and, the Persons who are good at ‘Academic Education’ are not good at ‘Money making’.
15)Pop-up a pill & get cured!!!
The above are some common examples of the Mind set/ Mentality. In most of the cases, these are considered as the traditional concepts, but are not proved as logically/ rationally correct.
Mindset / Mentality is related to the Universal Energy. If, the Energy is in the balanced form, then Mindset / Mentality is healthy, flexible, open to changes etc. and, if, the Energy is not in the balanced form, then, the Mindset / Mentality is unhealthy, rigid, not open to changes etc.
All the forms of the Universal Energy imbalances can be addressed and the Energy balance can be restored.
The balanced Universal Energy will make it possible to overcome the rigidity, to look beyond the considered opinion/ concepts of the Mind set/ Mentality and, then and then only, one may get desired solution for the happy, satisfied and contented life.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
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