Wednesday, April 13, 2011


All ‘orders’ and ‘disorders’ are part of the day to day active life. The Line of demarcation which differentiates between ‘orders’ and ‘disorders’, is very very subtle and needs very careful observation and attention.

‘Orders’ and ‘disorders’ are basically, outcome / result of the behavior/ activities done, related to various’ Wants’ and ‘Desires’.

Various Wants and Desires are as follows:

6)Physical relations/sex.
8)Materialistic things like, gold, jewellery, vehicles, etc.

When individual’s thinking/expectations about any wants/desires are normal/natural/proportionate/ appropriate, then everything in life is in order, and life becomes smooth, easy, happy and satisfactory.

When individual’s thinking/expectations about any wants/desires are not normal/natural/proportionate/appropriate, then it gives rise to all sorts of disorders and life becomes unhappy and unsatisfactory. So, all disorders are, basically outcome of thinking/expectation about any wants/desires which are not normal/natural/proportionate/appropriate, or, one can say, disorders are due to the unhealthy wants and desires. To ‘use’ the ‘Others’, for the individual selfish purpose, is also very unhealthy. All such things end up in frustration, which then leads to the disorders.

Following disorders can be observed in anybody’s life.

1)Unhealthy wants and desires: Due to wrong concepts, wrong views an individual may think/expect too much about various wants and desires which may not be normal/natural/appropriate/proportionate to the situation. This also includes the ‘use’ of the ‘Others’ for the selfish purpose. All such unhealthy wants and desires is the beginning of human disorders.

2)Wrath: When unhealthy wants and desires are not fulfilled, then the person becomes restless and it turns into the ‘Wrath’. The Wrath means, great anger which is normally harmful to others.

3)Greed: When the unhealthy desires are fulfilled to some extent but the person wants to have it more, then it turns in to the ‘Greed’.

4)Temptation: When the Greed becomes too much, it turns into the ‘Temptation’.

5)Jealousy: When an individual does not get certain things as per his unhealthy desires, but some other person gets the same thing, then it turns into ‘Jealousy’. (towards that person)

6)Haughtiness: When an individual exhibits/displays his acquired unhealthy desires, then it turns into the ‘Haughtiness’.

7)Hypocrisy: When an individual has various disorders but he does not accept it, then it turns into ‘Hypocrisy’.

8)Complexes, depression, anxiety, phobias etc.: Complexes such as superiority complex and inferiority complex, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, phobias etc., are the disorders, which are also due to the unhealthy wants and desires and the wrong concepts.

Basically the Thinking depends upon the Energy level of individual’s 3 main spheres / levels i.e. The Thinking level, The Emotional level, and The Physical level. If there is Energy balance at all the 3 levels then the Thinking becomes normal and wants/desires also become normal and as such there is no disorder.

If there is any Energy imbalance at any of the above 3 levels then, the Thinking gets affected. This leads into wrong expectations, which then turns into unhealthy wants and desires, and ultimately results into disorders.

So, the Energy imbalance at any of the 3 levels is the root cause of the disorder.

More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

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