Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Any human being can face any problems in his life span and it is very easy to address any problem at the individual level, so as to make his life smooth & easy.

There are more than 160 problems which can be successfully addressed. Some of them are as follows.

Sr. No. Problems --- Sr. No. Problems

1. Admonition. --- 31. Deprecate.
2. Adversity. --- 32. Depression.
3. Aggressive. --- 33. Despair.
4. Aloof. --- 34. Despise.
5. Ambivalence. --- 35. Destroy.
6. Anger. --- 36. Detachment.
7. Anxiety. --- 37. Detestation.
8. Apathy. --- 38. Disgusting.
9. Atheist. --- 39. Disorder.
10. Avoid. --- 40. Dissatisfaction.
11. Awfulization. --- 41. Disturbed.
12. Banish. --- 42. Doubt.
13. Bashful. --- 43. Embarrassment.
14. Bitterness. --- 44. Envious.
15. Callousness. --- 45. Failure.
16. Careless. --- 46. Fall.
17. Churlish. --- 47. False.
18. Comparison. --- 48. Fear.
19. Competition. --- 49. Fret.
20. Complain. --- 50. Frigidity.
21. Condemn. --- 51. Frustration.
22. Confusion. --- 52. Fume.
23. Contempt. --- 53. Gloomy.
24. Coward. --- 54. Greediness.
25. Craving. --- 55. Grief.
26. Criticize. --- 56. Grotesque.
27. Cruelty. --- 57. Grumpiness.
28. Deceit. --- 58. Guilty.
29. Deceitful. --- 59. Hard.
30. Dependentness. --- 60. Harsh.

More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
Contact 1) Website :- www.solvetotalhealthproblems.com
2) email id :- praprade@gmail.com
3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

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