Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Confession, Surrender, Prayer etc., are the similar types of tools to achieve stability and peace of the Mind. These things help in dissolving the problem, and avoids the botheration of solving it.

All these activities involve 2 parties i.e. self and a known/unknown higher power like, God, Deity, Religious leader, Spiritual leader, Guru etc.

‘Confession’ means sharing of thinking or emotions or any act/behavior, with the higher power. It helps in relieving the tension, arising out of any improper thought or emotion or behavior.

‘Surrender’ means accepting the higher power’s will and accepting various events/happenings as the act of the higher power. It does not mean that, nothing is to be done by the individual and the higher power will take care of everything. It means, the individual human being has his own limitations and the real ‘doer’ of the entire events/happenings is the higher power. This makes the individual person, a less egoistic and more humble.

‘Prayer’ is a request made to the higher power, for the fulfillment of the wishes related to the health, the general wellbeing and the materialistic prosperity.

It shows the faith in the known/unknown higher power, that it will ‘listen’ the prayer and respond, so as to fulfill that wish.

Some wishes are fulfilled and some may not be fulfilled, and reasons may not be known to the praying individual, but still one prays because it has got its own power.

Prayer gives confidence, relief, and courage to face any situation which ultimately results in the peace of the Mind.

One can choose his own text, form and style of Confessing/Surrendering/ Praying, as per his liking, suitability and convenience. These things work as a sort of support system, and help in giving the required confidence, relief and courage to face any situation, resulting in the feeling of healing, wellbeing, stability and the peace of Mind.

More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

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