Thursday, April 21, 2011


Autosuggestion is a technique, which can be effectively used for self development and self training.

If we go on giving certain suggestion to our own self, it helps in imbibing and training our own mind, which effectively improves the individual behavior.

Everybody can select and decide about the set of auto suggestions, depending upon the situation and the requirements. Repeated suggestions to the self on daily basis, help in improving the individual behavior.

Following can be considered as the different types of useful auto suggestions, and an individual can consider any/all of these for daily exercise.

1)Each and every thing in this Universe is made up of the Basic Universal Energy Elements.
2)All human beings have the same Basic Universal Energy Elements, irrespective of the Religion, Cast, Creed, Age, Gender, Color of the skin and the Nationality.
3)Every thing is a part of the life and nothing is larger than the life.
4)When the Energy is in the balanced form, it makes life simple and easy.
5)When the Energy is in the imbalanced form, it makes life difficult and uneasy (Problematic).
6)All types of the Energy imbalances can be set right, by proper understanding and efforts.
7)All mistakes, shortcomings, disorders are due to the Energy imbalance.
8)All human beings are likely to make any mistakes, have any shortcomings, disorders at any stage in their life, due to the Energy imbalance.
9)Everybody can set right/overcome their mistakes, shortcomings, disorders by proper understanding and efforts.
10)To resolve any relationships, behavior related problems it is essential to consider ‘The other’ as a separate / independent ‘entity’ and not to view / see thru’ the particular relationship. (Any ‘entity’ can have any problem in their life, irrespective of the relationships)
11)Every Energy imbalance (problem) is directly proportional to the Energy potential. (More the Energy potential means, possibility of more imbalance/problems). All/any Energy imbalance (problems) can be set right.
12)Everything in this Universe is made up of the Energy and connected to each other through the Energy (thinking, emotions, and air), and hence, lot of similarities and the good/bad effects are observed across the World.
13)The Energy imbalance, which may take place anywhere in the World, affects the individual in some way or the other. However the effect depends upon the individual constitution.
14)All human discoveries/inventions are basically, rediscoveries/ reinventions of the Basic Universal Energy Elements, in a new form and combination.
15)Whatever happens is good, provided one learns from it and takes corrective actions, if required.
16)It is better to thank the given situation (and not to blame it), for giving an opportunity to learn/realize, and if possible, share the same with others, for the benefit of the society.
17)Every situation/event can be turned into an opportunity for enrichment.
18)The Past is in the form of memory and the Future is in the form of imagination. When both are in the balanced form, then the Present is also in the balanced form. When The Present is in the balanced form, it means the memory and imagination is also in the balanced form.
19)For any individual, everything ‘happens’ in the Mind first, and then to some extent, it ‘reflects’ in the outside World.
20)Forgiving is the best quality and the best remedy to address behavioral problems, but one cannot forgive others, unless, he learns to forgive himself.
21)‘Destiny’ means, not the given situation, but what is made/created, out of the given situation.
22)It is better to ‘dissolve’ the problem, rather than spending the Energy in ‘solving’ it, and use the saved up Energy for better constructive purpose.
23)Problems like Wrath, Tantrums, Abusing etc. are all related to the disturbed state of the Mind. More disturbance means more problems, and less disturbance means less problems.
24)Family members, who interact with each other, share their feelings/emotions, dine together and pray together, normally stay together.
25)Life is not permanent, but whatever happens in the given life span is realistic, and has got the long lasting effects, hence it is better to be careful and moderate.
26)There are no human predicaments, except the lack of information and knowledge.

More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

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