The Physical health concept is simple to understand. It can be simply described as the health of the physical organs and the body. Physical Health can be divided into two things i.e., 1) Physical Fitness and 2) Physical Functions.
The Physical Fitness means, General Fitness, which covers the state of health and well-being.
The Physical Functions means, proper functioning of the various organs, which helps in doing the various activities, smoothly and easily.
Both, the Physical Fitness and the Physical Functions, are the outcome of the proper life style, proper diet, regular exercise, discipline etc.
Symptoms of the good Physical Fitness and Functions are as follows:
1)Active, quick, supple movements.
2)Balanced movements.
3)Body weight and size (waist line) in proportion with the height.
4)Timely good appetite.
5)Proper Digestion/Metabolism.
6)Smooth functioning of all the sense organs, namely,
Eyes (proper seeing)
Ears (proper listening)
Skin (proper sensation)
Tongue (proper taste)
Nose (proper smell)
7)Smooth functioning of all the action organs, namely,
Speech (voice box)
Reproductive organs
Excretory organs
8)Easy and sound sleep.
9)Feeling fresh and enthusiastic after the sleep.
10)Not too much fatigued, tired feeling.
11)Light, fresh, energetic feeling throughout the day and happy disposition.
12)Overall smoothness and easiness at the individual, family, social and work related activities.
Balanced Thinking and Emotions are required to maintain the Physical Fitness and Functions, properly.
So, the good Mental (Thinking) and Emotional health is the basis of the good Physical health. As such, all the three i.e. Mental, Emotional and Physical health are required for the good overall activities, functioning and behavior.
The Physical health is related to the Universal Energy. If, the Energy is in the balanced form then the Physical health is good and the overall activities, functioning and behavior is satisfactory. If, the Energy is not in the balanced form then the Physical health is not good and as such, overall activities, functioning and behavior is not satisfactory.
All the forms of the Universal Energy imbalances can be addressed and the good Physical health can be achieved.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961
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