Monday, April 25, 2011


The human body consists of A) 12 Main Organs, B) 10 Body Systems, c) 5 Sense Organs and, D) 5 Action Organs.

A) Following are the 12 Main Organs:

1. Brain.
2. Lungs.
3. Heart.
4. Stomach.
5. Small Intestine.
6. Large Intestine.
7. Lever.
8. Gall Bladder.
9. Pancreas.
10. Spleen.
11. Kidney.
12. Urinary Bladder.

These 12 main organs control the 10 Body Systems, 5 Sense organs and 5 Action organs.

B) The10 Body Systems are as follows:

1. Nervous System.
2. Blood Circulatory System.
3. Respiratory System.
4. Digestive System.
5. Excretory System.
6. Muscular System.
7. Bone System.
8. Reproductive System.
9. Endocrine System.
10. Lymphatic System.

C) The 5 Sense organs are as follows:

1. Eyes.
2. Ears.
3. Skin.
4. Tongue.
5. Nose.

D) The 5 Action organs are as follows:

1. Hands.
2. Legs.
3. Speech (Voice).
4. Reproductive Organs.
5. Excretory Organs.

The 12 main organs are the Energy centers in the body. These 12 main organs are related to the Basic Universal Energy Elements. These elements are present in each and every individual, as per the individual constitution. When anything goes wrong in the Basic Universal Energy Element related to any individual human being, then any/all of the 12 main organs get affected. In turn, it affects any of the 10 body systems. When the body systems are affected, then it affects the working of the 5 sense organs and 5 action organs and thus the overall functioning and performance of that human being gets affected.

The main 12 organs, which are the Energy centers, can be seen physically in the body.

However, as per the ancient Indian yogic science, the functioning of these 12 organs depends upon the 7 ‘Energy Chakras’ in the body.

The 7 ‘Energy Chakras’ are as follows:
1. ‘Mooladhara’ Chakra.
2. ‘Swadhishthana’ Chakra.
3. ‘Manipura’ Chakra.
4. ‘Anahata’ Chakra.
5. ‘Vishuddhi’ Chakra.
6. ‘Ajna’ Chakra.
7. ‘Sahasrara’ Chakra.

These above 7 Chakras cannot be physically seen in the body. However, they are considered as the main Energy Centers, related to the Basic Universal Energy Elements.

When these Chakras are having the Energy in the balanced form, then the individual functioning/ performance is smooth and proper, and, when there is any Energy imbalance in any of the Chakras, then, the individual functioning/ performance is not smooth and proper(becomes problematic).

More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what is the 5 main systems of the body?