Monday, April 25, 2011


The ‘Matrimonial’ activity is a part of the Social system/ Social activity and it is a very very important activity of the human being.

For any individual, the Matrimonial Health is very important, because a large part of his personal life is governed by the Matrimonial Life.

The individuals get married because of the following reasons:

1)Physical relations/Reproduction/Sex related activities.
2)Mental (Thoughts/Concepts) sharing.
3)Emotional sharing.
4)Physical work/activities sharing. (running the house, cooking, raising children etc.)
5)Social Sharing.
6)Support/Sharing, related to the Money Making activities.

Marriage is an interpersonal relationship, with recognition from the governmental/ social/religious authorities, usually for the intimate sexual purpose. Reproduction/Sex is one of the basic instincts of all the human beings and hence, traditionally, to serve this purpose, marriage is the single most major activity contemplated/done by most of the human beings. If the marriage is successful, then the individuals get a kind of satisfaction/contentedness in their life and if, the marriage is not successful then, mostly the individuals suffer and end up in a frustration, restlessness and anti-social activities. It is difficult to give exact reasons of the successful or the unsuccessful marriages; but, the following can be broadly considered as the general guidelines.

* Making healthy adjustments towards the spouse and lifelong staying together is the main symptom of the happy and successful married life.

* Wrong expectations (mainly due to the wrong concepts) is the most important reason for the disturbed / unsuccessful married life.

* The basic valuable ingredients of the successful marriages are:

1) Love, and 2) Respect, towards each other. Both these things can be cultivated.

Symptoms of love and respect can be considered as follows :
1)Showing concern - being considerate, taking care, making adjustments etc.

2)Sharing - thoughts, ideas, views, emotions, feelings, materialistic things (money, property, jewellery, valuable belongings, vehicles etc.)

3)Less complaints, bitterness, hatred, etc.

4)Attitude of gratitude—for the trouble/pains taken, the slogging done and the help extended/care taken during the different phases of life. (i.e. not to neglect all such things just as a matter of daily routine/duty).

5)Forgiveness – To avoid punishment and revengeful action. To take ‘let it go’ attitude and to move ahead gracefully. (This is a very very great quality and needs a lot of efforts to develop it. However, one can not forgive others unless, he learns to forgive himself!!)

* It is a most common, most general concept that, the marriages are successful if,

1) Physical relations/sex related activities are good, and 2) financial condition is good. But this is not at all true. Many marriages are not successful even if the above two factors are present and many marriages are successful even without the above two factors.

If the basic ingredients (love and respect) are cultivated, then the marriages would be more successful.

* The major reason for not finding the love and respect towards each other is, the individuals as a couple, are not ‘spouse oriented’. If the individuals are self centered, then they can not develop love and respect towards each other. If they are spouse oriented then automatically care, concern, attentiveness, interest towards the spouse is developed, and then it turns into love and respect, which brings in the satisfaction in the married life.

* Single most reason for the individuals for not becoming the spouse oriented is ‘unhealthy ego’.

‘Ego’ can be best explained as the 'self description' or 'self assessment' or 'self concept.'

If the individuals are having healthy ego, then it will help them in becoming spouse oriented, which will turn into love and respect, resulting into happy and successful married life.

In short, if the individuals have healthy/realistic self description, self assessment, self concept, then they will have healthy ego, which will lead to the happy and successful married life; otherwise, marriage would be unhappy and unsuccessful.

More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

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