Monday, April 4, 2011


‘Spirituality’ can be described in a simple way as something which is concerned/ related with the ‘Spirit’ or the ‘Soul’.

The ‘Soul’ is one of the Basic Universal Energy Elements. The ‘Soul’ has a metaphysical existence. The ‘Soul’ is the Element, which comes next after the ‘Mind’ Element, and it is present in each and every object.

Spirituality means looking beyond the areas of the ‘Mind’ .Thoughts and Emotions are the main areas/activities of the Mind. Mental activities are related with various types of desires and wants. Desires and wants are basically related to materialistic things like fame, position, respect, money, spouse etc. Every human being’s entire life revolves around such desires and wants. Every human being spends their entire Energy in achieving these things, throughout their life. Problem starts when certain desired level is not achieved in having these materialistic things and such situations then leads to mental disorders, misbehavior and unhealthy activities.

Spirituality focuses on the area which is beyond the Mind’s sphere of activities. This means, the Spirituality focuses on the area beyond the wants, desires and the materialistic things.

Spirituality focuses on perceiving life as more important, more valuable than merely achieving certain level in having the materialistic things.

Spirituality aims at perceiving ‘true’ nature of the individual and makes the individual to realize his relative position with the other existing objects in the Universe. In the process, it makes the individual free of the ‘egoistic’ self and helps him in becoming as the one’s ‘true’ self. In short, the Spirituality means reducing / softening one’s unhealthy ego and attaining more healthy approach. As the individual’s approach becomes healthy, it helps him in improving the ‘wellness’ feeling in the day to day life.

Our physical activities, behavior etc., is controlled by the ‘Mind’ Element, and the ‘Mind’ Element is controlled by the ‘Soul’ Element.

Spirituality can also mean, looking beyond the Physical and Mental level i.e. Physical, Thinking and Emotional aspects. So, looking beyond the aspects of, 1)Physical/Materialistic Achievements (position, respect, fame, money, spouse,
pleasure, success, prosperity etc.) 2)Thinking (imagination, fantasizing etc.)
and,3)Emotions (desires, wants, expectations, anger, jealousy, greed etc.) are considered as the Spirituality.

Spirituality means not leaving or avoiding Physical/ Materialistic achievements , Thinking, and Emotional activities but, not to bother too much about these things, to have less attachment/possessiveness, to develop ‘let go’ attitude( even if , certain achievements are less than the possible level), and move around easily in the present life. The Spiritual person becomes more transparent, open and truthful. These qualities help the person in becoming more honest and sincere. The Spirituality gives us our own answers to the purpose of life and the meaning of life. The Spirituality helps in growing our own wisdom, love, empathy, considerateness, accommodativeness, adjustments, compromises, forgiveness etc.

Forgiveness/healthy compromise/adjustments etc. is not a kind of weakness or a negative quality, but it is a kind of strength, a positive quality. Forgiveness should not be misunderstood as unhealthy compromise or unhealthy adjustments. Forgiveness means to develop ‘let go’ attitude, not to take revenge, not to give punishment at the individual level, avoiding ‘cutting to the size’ attitude etc.

The Spirituality helps in our own ‘feel good’ factor, and our own feeling of the ‘well being’.

Human beings live on faith and hope, that the future is going to be bright (or, there is light at the end of the tunnel), and the Spirituality provides us such faith and hope.

Spirituality will focus on having the balanced, flexible, accommodative and moderate approach. Once a person becomes balanced, flexible, accommodative and moderate in his approach, he becomes spiritual.

Spirituality need not be related with Religious activities. A person may be Spiritual but not Religious, and vice versa (A person may be Religious but not Spiritual).

Following can be considered as criteria for ‘Spirituality’.
1) Acceptance of the situation.
2) Forgiving.
3) Sacrifice.
4) Positive thinking.
5) Balanced (not one sided) approach.

More details are given in my self help book: - ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.

Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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3) Phone:- 91-20-25463961

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