This can be explained as follows.
It is essential to understand the concept of ‘NET TOTAL ENERGY’, so as to understand the factors responsible for effective ‘ROLE PLAYING’.
NET TOTAL ENERGY (N.T.E.) means the ‘Net sum’ of the ‘Total Energy’.
The ‘Total Energy’ can be explained as follows:
Every Human being has the 3 spheres/levels totally integrated with each other, which makes him function, perform and behave as the one integrated person. The 3 spheres / levels are,
1) Physical,
2) Mental (Thinking, Emotional),and,
3) Intellect.
The physical level activities are related to all actual activities done by any person.
The Mental level activity mainly consists of Thinking and Emoting. It is influenced by complexes, beliefs, assumptions etc.
The Intellect or Intellectual level activity is related one’s potential or capacity to do various activities which involves the given Intelligence. This is represented by various Quotients such as 1) Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.), 2) Emotional Quotient (E.Q.), 3) Understanding Quotient (U.Q.), 4) Passion Quotient (P.Q.), 5) Courage Quotient (C.Q.), 6) Communication Quotient (Com.Q.), 7) Spiritual Quotient (S.Q.), 8) Financial Quotient (F.Q.).
The various activities, functions carried out by these 3 levels are different in nature but, these 3 levels are interrelated and interdependent on each other. All these 3 levels represent the Basic Universal Energy Elements, and combinedly make the person as a one integrated entity. The person’s cognizance and the behavior is influenced by these 3 levels.
When the Energy is in the balanced form then, all the functions, performance, behavior are normal, natural, easy, and simple.
When the Energy becomes imbalanced then, all the functions, performance, and behavior are not normal, natural, easy, and simple.
There are 5 different types of Energy imbalances in any individual. All these 5 imbalances will have effects on any individual, as per his constitution and potential / capacity. This means two different persons may have any/all types of Energy imbalance at Physical, Mental and Intellect level but their individual effects will be different, based on that person’s constitution and potential/ capacity.
‘THE NET TOTAL ENERGY’ means consideration of all these Energies together, whether it is balanced or imbalanced, at the above 3 spheres/levels.
So, the Energy, which remains after summing up, is considered as the ‘Net Total Energy’ (N.T.E.).
N.T.E. is the effective, practical, useful level of the Energy in a person, considering all the 3 main spheres, which makes him function, perform, behave in that particular manner at that time.
N.T.E. changes from time to time, as per the condition of the individual’s Energy level. As the understanding, conceptualization, efforts on reducing the Energy imbalance, etc., changes, then, accordingly, that person’s behavior, performance, function also changes, which is the reflection of the Energy level at that time.
Hence a person is the direct reflection of his N.T.E. at that time.
As the Thinking, Emotions, Mind set, Physical health, Social health, Spiritual health, Financial health, ‘Application of Intelligence’ Factor changes, the N.T.E. of that person changes.
The N.T.E. should be considered as a concept and not as an Arithmetic calculation, so as to understand the person’s effectiveness in the functioning, performance and behavior. This is similar to the ‘Net Profit’, calculated by the accounts department/auditors of any large multi divisional industry/organization.
The N.T.E. is directly related to the Universal Energy level(Bio Energy) of the person, and if the Energy is in the balanced form, then the N.T.E. is good and if, the Energy is not in the balanced form then, the N.T.E. is not so good and the life will not be smooth, easy and happy. In short, the N.T.E. determines the quality of life, the way of life and the effective behavior of the person.
‘Role playing’ of a person changes from time to time as per his N.T.E. at that particular time. Different roles such as husband/wife, father/mother, son/daughter, son-in-law/daughter-in-law, father-in-law/mother-in/law, brother/sister, teacher/ student, professional (senior/junior), friend, social worker etc. are the direct reflection of the N.T.E. and it has got different dimensions for the same person.
This means a person may be good as a husband/wife, but may not be good as a father/mother, based on his N.T.E. at that time. Or, a person may be good as a father/mother, but may not be good as father-in-law/mother-in-law. Or, a person may be good as a father/mother, but may not be good as a husband/wife. Or, a person may be good as a professional, but may not be good as a friend. Or, a person may be good as a student, but may not be good as a teacher. All these different roles of the same person give different effect and it is directly based on his N.T.E. at that time.
So, if the role playing is to be analyzed, then the N.T.E. has to be analyzed. The N.T.E. can be improved / corrected as per the requirements/situation, which will make a person to behave in a better way, in most of the situations.
More details are given in my self help book :- ‘The Secret Behind Universal Energies And Total Health’.
Prashant P. Degaonkar. Pune. INDIA.
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